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Fig. 8 Macroscopic stress-strain responses of the textile actuators.

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1 Fig. 8 Macroscopic stress-strain responses of the textile actuators.
Macroscopic stress-strain responses of the textile actuators. The single yarn has the stiffest initial response (highest Young’s modulus) followed by, in turn, the weave and the knitwear. The textile construction, that is, yarn undulation (weave) or looping (knitwear), results in decreasing stiffness in the fabrics and causes a bilinear-like or exponential stress-strain response. When the PPy is reduced and swells, the stress in the single yarn, or the fabric, increases and causes a lengthening to a new higher equilibrium strain. Because of differences in the stiffness, the lengthening will be larger in the knitwear and the weave compared to the single yarn resulting in strain amplification. Ali Maziz et al. Sci Adv 2017;3:e Copyright © 2017, The Authors

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