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Tuesday 2/27/18 Notebook Entry: Brainstorm 3 words/phrases that would be processes of the rock cycle. Hints: Think about all the action words you saw on.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday 2/27/18 Notebook Entry: Brainstorm 3 words/phrases that would be processes of the rock cycle. Hints: Think about all the action words you saw on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday 2/27/18 Notebook Entry: Brainstorm 3 words/phrases that would be processes of the rock cycle. Hints: Think about all the action words you saw on the Journey on the Rock Cycle dice and that you are including in your comic. For example: what would you label the numbers on the graphic to the right in order to explain what is happening?

2 Journey on the Rock Cycle Comic Strip
Purpose: To show that I can create a model to describe the cycling of Earth's rock-forming materials and the flow of energy that drives this process You are telling a story through your comic

3 What do I need to show in my comic?
My model correctly shows the types of Earth materials and processes involved in rock formation, along with one source of energy. My model correctly shows how one source of energy causes rock forming materials to change over time. I also correctly show how each rock forming processes is connected to the others. My model correctly shows the length of time and amount of space necessary for some of the rock forming processes to occur.

4 Use your Journey on the Rock Cycle: Analysis & Cartoon Pre-Planning worksheet to help you sketch in each box what happened to you along the journey. For example: in box #1 you will need to sketch a picture that shows all of the following: the place/setting where you were the starting materials/rock you were the action that happened to those materials the energy that caused the action (sun, gravity, heat from Earth’s interior, etc) the result of the action Use the Interactive Rock Cycle link and the Rock Cycle Animation link to help you. Be sure to follow ALL directions explained on your handout. Comics are due by end of class on Friday.

5 Wednesday 2/28/18 Notebook Entry: Review your comic and directions. Make a list of the SPECIFIC things you still need to complete for your comic to be done WELL!! Also write down any questions you have for Mrs. Burke about this assignment.

6 Use your Journey on the Rock Cycle: Analysis & Cartoon Pre-Planning worksheet to help you sketch in each box what happened to you along the journey. For example: in box #1 you will need to sketch a picture that shows all of the following: the place/setting where you were the starting materials/rock you were the action that happened to those materials the energy that caused the action (sun, gravity, heat from Earth’s interior, etc) the result of the action Use the Interactive Rock Cycle link and the Rock Cycle Animation link to help you. Be sure to follow ALL directions explained on your handout. Comics are due by end of class on Friday.

7 Thursday 3/1/18 No Notebook Entry!!
Mrs. Burke will be passing back your Beach Sand question from the start of the unit. Please complete the following: Re-read the scenario Re-read your answer on the left side. Ask yourself “Do I still think the same thing?” On the right hand side write your end of unit answer If you still think the same thing explain what you learned in this unit that supports your thinking. If you think something different then write a completely new explanation.

8 Use your Journey on the Rock Cycle: Analysis & Cartoon Pre-Planning worksheet to help you sketch in each box what happened to you along the journey. For example: in box #1 you will need to sketch a picture that shows all of the following: the place/setting where you were the starting materials/rock you were the action that happened to those materials the energy that caused the action (sun, gravity, heat from Earth’s interior, etc) the result of the action Use the Interactive Rock Cycle link and the Rock Cycle Animation link to help you. Be sure to follow ALL directions explained on your handout. Comics are due by end of class on Friday.

9 Friday 3/2/18 No Notebook Entry
Please get out your Journey on the Rock Cycle Materials

10 Use your Journey on the Rock Cycle: Analysis & Cartoon Pre-Planning worksheet to help you sketch in each box what happened to you along the journey. For example: in box #1 you will need to sketch a picture that shows all of the following: the place/setting where you were the starting materials/rock you were the action that happened to those materials the energy that caused the action (sun, gravity, heat from Earth’s interior, etc) the result of the action Be sure to follow ALL directions explained on your handout. Comics are due by end of class today!!! Staple all 3 pages to the back of comic (Journey Sheet, Planning Sheet, Direction Sheet) and put in the cupboard when you are ready to turn it in.

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