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A new Floods Working Group F

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1 A new Floods Working Group F
By Maria Brättemark, European Commission, DG Environment, Unit D2 « Protection of water & the marine environment »

2 History 2004 Communication launching an EU Floods Action Programme
Exchange of expertise on flood related topics Optimisation of EU funding for floods Legislative instrument 2006 Proposal for a Directive 1st reading to be finalised 13/11 – Common Position adopted by the Council 2nd reading to start 11/12 Could see 2nd reading agreement spring 2007 Close links to WFD implementation

3 Mandate - starting point
“Interim objective” – carry over the activities from the Floods stakeholder group Next phase – after agreement on the Directive Preparatory work to start early 2007 with a first meeting

4 Objectives Legislative focus Non-legislative focus – action programme
Specific objectives to be determined when Directive is agreed Non-legislative focus – action programme Exchange and Information Circles will become Expert networks currently on flood mapping, flood forecasting a new network on land use planning may be presented – Oslo workshop early 2007 Forum for information on EU funding and other EU floods related activities Links to other CIS activities (Climate change, hydromorphology, exemptions, economics…)

5 Participation WD to nominate one key contact per Member States (call to go out after WD), CCs other associated countries Stakeholders and NGOs (Environment, insurance, landowners …) International river commissions and PRBs Research projects and Interreg projects Links to other international organisation - WMO

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