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Broadening Your Education

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1 Broadening Your Education
Chapter 7 Broadening Your Education

2 Broadening Your Education
This chapter is about: Co-curricular/Extra curricular Activities Things no one will make you do. You will have to take initiative and “step up to the plate” to take advantage of these things But things that may have greater educational value than even your required coursework.

3 Examples of Co-curricular Activities
Participation in student organizations Participation in engineering projects Pre-professional employment Study Abroad Putting something back (service)

4 Types of Engineering Student Organizations
Student chapters of discipline-specific engineering societies Engineering honor societies Ethnic and gender-based student organizations Engineering student council

5 Benefits of Participation in Student Organizations
Meet your social needs Develop your leadership and organizational skills Engage in professional development activities Receive academic support Participate in service activities

6 Participation in Engineering Projects
Student design competitions Technical paper contests Design clinics Undergraduate Research Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)

7 Pre-Professional Employment
Summer jobs, Internships Part-time jobs Cooperative education (“co-op”) experiences

8 Benefits of Pre-Professional Employment
Develop job search skills Gain exposure to engineering practice Make money Apply your knowledge, skills, and abilities Strengthen motivation to succeed in engineering study Gain references for future employment

9 Cooperative Education
a program of study at an institution of higher education under which regular students undertake academic study for specified periods of time alternating with work experience in government, industry, business . . .

10 How Do You Measure Up? Your year in school Your academic performance
Your personal qualifications

11 Conducting a Job Search
Preparing a resume Preparing a cover letter Developing your interviewing skills Identifying employment opportunities

12 Set Up a LinkedIn Profile
Your LinkedIn profile is an online resume Recruiters from companies use LinkedIn to find potential future employees Build a strong profile and keep it up to date

13 Interview Skills Put significant effort into preparing yourself for interviews Practice interview questions Learn as much as you can about the company, the job you are seeking, and the person who will be interviewing you STAR Strategy for Interviews Situation, Task, Action, Result

14 Identifying Employment Opportunities
Networking Informational Interviews On-campus interviews Using the Internet, e.g. Career fairs and other on campus resources


16 Informational Interview
What is it? – An information gathering session. Not a job interview. You are interviewing the employer. Preparing for the informational interview Conducting the interview Following up on the interview

17 Study Abroad Benefits Can You Do It? Finding a Study Abroad Program

18 Benefits of Study Abroad
Developing greater self-confidence, independence, self-reliance, and maturity Broadening your world understanding and gaining a new perspective on the world Improving your cross-cultural communication skills Developing your ability to adapt to new and unfamiliar environments Building second language skills Making new and lasting contacts and friendships Distinguishing yourself from your peers in a future job search

19 Can You Do It? Length of time abroad When to go abroad Host country
Method of financing What to study while abroad

20 Finding a Study Abroad Program
Programs sponsored by your university Programs not sponsored by your university

21 Putting Something Back
Providing feedback Helpful feedback is: Descriptive, NOT evaluative Specific Usable Serving as an ambassador Helping other students

22 Group Discussion Student “Power”
Power (“the ability to influence others”) comes from at least three sources: position knowledge person In your group, discuss the “power” that comes to you from your position as a “student” Appoint a leader to keep the discussion on topic and a recorder to document what was learned and report out

23 Alternate Group Discussion Topic Interviewing for Summer Job
In your group, develop a list of 7-10 questions you would expect to be asked during an interview for an engineering-related summer job/internship. Take turns asking the questions to group members and having them respond. Appoint a leader to keep the discussion on topic and a recorder to document what was learned and report out

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