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Winning men back to God

2 OUR MISSION! To reach men in all nations for Jesus Christ:
Matt 28:18-20 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” GO IN MY AUTHORITY, GO IN MY METHOD, GO IN MY PRESENSE

3 THE START(ANNUAL) A Balanced & Confirmed Speaker List (at start of year) a. 4 Laymen : 1 Pastor Identify Standby Speakers From Membership 3. Planned Outreach Targets 4. Planned Chapter Invitations 5. Planned Members Invitations (Be My Guest Cards) - IAP w w ordpress/?p=517 FGBMFA - President’s Newsletter

4 THE START(MONTHLY) Remind Next Main Speaker & Get Assurance In
Week Preceding The Last Outreach. 2 Weeks to the Next Outreach: Get Role Players Informed Encourage Members to Start Inviting Outreach Week: Check Traveling Plan of Speaker Fasting & Praying Auditioning Arrange for Music etc. Confirm the availability of Venue Confer with the Kitchen (“Promise Keepers at Work”- Colorado Springs concerning the influence of fathers on the spiritual quality of the family: Focus on the Family )

5 THW OUTREACH DAY Make sure all Cards, are available

6 The Outreach Meeting! The FGBMFI outreach meeting is our key tool for fulfilling our vision of bringing men back to God. The Spirit-filled outreach meeting requires preparation in two ways: Spiritual (prayerful) Matt 21:22 (“..If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”) Administrative (organizational) Exod 18:17-23 Jethro counsels Moses to put structures in place and to stop micro-managing! See Beautifulgate’s Meeting Checklist Identify specific tasks with corresponding role players and a set time! Chapters must adopt or create one that fits their needs Clearly define your goals and pray about it! Who is the target How many souls do we want to see saved? How many new members are we believing God for? What are our expectations in terms of healings, holy spirit baptisms etc?

7 How? - The FGBMFI Way! Create an atmosphere that is attractive to the 90% of men who believe in Jesus but are not interested in how He’s presented by churches. Meet in non-intimidating venues, hotels, restaurants, board rooms, recreational areas Be professional, punctual, businesslike and time conscious. (Watch meeting formats, emceeing etc) Meetings must not look like “Bless me clubs” Foster genuine friendships and fellowship Invite, Invite, Invite!

8 Who to invite (men in all nations!)
People of like minds attract each other. Target a particular group of invitees at each meeting who can relate to a particular speaker’s testimony Invite the salesman that comes to sell you something Invite a co-worker, a Church member etc Invite a casual acquaintance Invite someone that needs encouragement Invite someone who is lost Invite in person, by , by phone, or with an official FGBMFI card

9 How to invite Carefully plan the distribution of invitations.
Pray over your invitations/invitees Pray with a burden for souls Follow up invitations Keep invitation general and not religious “An uplifting talk from a successful business colleague” “We’re going to have breakfast with several new business colleagues” “Be my guest at a meeting with some colleagues” Some have said later: “Thanks for not describing the meeting or I would not have been interested..I would have missed so much” You are my guest = A free meal! A business breakfast/lunch = New networking opportunities, more business Success story = possibly a “Good business idea” for me

10 SOME BEST PRACTICES The Head Table The Meal
Must be carefully planned. For role players, testifiers, special guests. Plan on 6 to 8 seats at the head table per 100 persons attending, with minimum of 3-4 & maximum of There should be no empty chairs at the head table. The Meal The meal should be served within 10 minutes of the meeting starting. Meals director/coordinator must impress on hotel kitchen to be ready before opening prayer. Soft, background music during meals to allow people to fellowship while eating. Don’t have special music or singers during meals.

The MC is key! A person of spiritual maturity who knows how to maintain control of the meeting He must have prepared by praying ahead of the meeting. He must be sensitive to the Holy Spirit during the meeting. By his appearance and demeanour, the MC sets the tone for the meeting and the image of the chapter. He needs not talk too much or dominate the meeting. He only moderates and keeps the meeting on course, being mindful of time. Not everyone can be an MC. But men can develop into successful Mc’s if properly guided and instructed. They study other MC’s to discover what makes them successful or unsuccessful.

Announcements and intros Keep brief and to the point. Not the last item on the program. Limit announcements to what is relevant to the meeting and chapter only. Don’t promote ‘other’ programs and business interests Promote the voice magazine and other literature Testimonies - Our key tool in FGBMFI Follow the FGBMFI guidelines Preview the testimonies where possible.

Offering - Not a collection, but an offering unto the Lord! Don’t beg or take too much time. Explain simply why a ministry like FGBMFI needs finances to accomplish our mission. Touch on a few tremendous ministries being performed through FGBMFI and the chapter. Don’t give the impression you are asking guests to pay for the meeting by telling them how much it costs to host the meeting. Avoid churchy jargons. Don’t ask guests to refer to bible passages. Don’t preach a sermon on giving. A personal testimony is more effective. Encourage pledges.

Main Testimony – Our Main Speakers are specially chosen from the marketplace to share their personal experience of a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ Should have received guidelines before the meeting. MC must again remind speaker about FGBMFI do’s and don'ts. Don’t assume he knows. Must be reminded about time constraints. There must be no or little movement during testimony The testimony must lead to an ALTAR CALL. If speaker is ineffective, the MC must take over. Not all speakers can handle ministration. Officers and members must get involved. Must be born again Christian! A person of integrity. Speaker becomes ineffective if, for instance, he falls “under the spirit”.

Meeting must end on time! Unlike the airlines, we may take off late, but we always land on time! If speaker is going too long, MC must find a way to recover the meeting so that meeting may end on time. Respect people’s time! Bring meeting to a close immediately after ministration. No further announcements No special VOTE OF THANKS MC can thank guests and close meeting promptly Encourage fellowship after the meeting has closed. Follow up guests after the meeting.

16 SOME FREQUENT REMARKS -ve “They never start on time“
“The meeting was too long” “The preliminaries and intros take too much time, and everyone has to get in his cent’s worth” “The music was too loud“ +ve “I never saw so much love in one place” “I’m so glad I came. I would have missed MY BETTER LIFE! Thanks for not describing the meeting” “A very touching experience, I’ll be back!”

17 A sample meeting format
Welcome and prayer (25mins) Warmly greet one another – fellowship Meal is served - fellowship Agenda (5mins) Recognise 1st timers Introduce Special Guests The Vision (Membership Promotion) (5mins) Vision, membership, voice Announcements Short Testimony (5mins x3) Offering/Pledges/Prayer cards (10mins) Main Testimony (40mins) Altar Call Ministration Close Meeting (5mins) (Total: 1hr 35mins or under 2hrs even with Praise and Worship) Breakfast and luncheons up to 2hrs, Dinners up to 2 1/2hrs

18 SOME DO’s AND DON’Ts Start and end on time; stay on schedule
Be well dressed; present a sharp image Remember the vision of FGBMFI – to see men saved Lift up Jesus Spend time praying and worshipping prior to meeting Seek the anointing of the Holy Spirit Give Speaker adequate time for message per schedule Allow ample time at the end of the meeting for ministry to individuals Review your meeting before next meeting

19 SOME DON’Ts 10. Don’t preach, it’s not a church service
11. Don’t have a one man show 12. Don’t promote individual projects, ministry or products 13. Don’t stress doctrine 14. Don’t knock denominations 15. Don’t speak defeat 16. Don’t be too formal Don’t stifle the flow of the Holy Spirit. However, maintain order, and keep the meeting in control. Don’t allow “superspiritual” people to take over the meeting.

20 Conclusion Jesus had no problem captivating the businessmen of His day; fishermen, merchants, tax collectors, and we can do same in the marketplace of our time. Focus on the vision to our founder which is to call men back to God! THANK YOU!


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