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Communication activities

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1 Communication activities
Nature Directives Expert Group Meeting Brussels, 22 May 2019 Sofia Pachini, Nature Protection Unit ENV.D3

2 European Natura 2000 Day – 21 May 2019
open door events in Natura 2000 sites on or around 21 May involving local public and stakeholders Let us know what is taking place: Register your events here: Inform those involved in the Natura 2000 network in your country about this.

3 Natura 2000 awards – New cycle 1/2
Call for applications - 21 May to 30 September 2019 Announcement of finalists & public vote - March 2020 Announcement of winners - May 2020

4 Natura 2000 awards – New cycle 2/2
Natura 2000 AWARD categories: Communication Socio-economic benefits Conservation Reconciling interests/perception Cross-border cooperation and networking & EU Citizens’ Award

5 Help us make Natura 2000 awards a success again!
Disseminate the call for applications to all those involved in the Natura 2000 network in your country Encourage participation of potential applicants Support our campaign in social media

6 Natura 2000 awards – more info
For information on how to apply: Annual benchmarking reports to support exchange of good practise and provide applicants with ideas & tips: For specific questions, contact the Secretariat of the Natura 2000 Award:

7 Natura 2000 newsletter survey
Published since 1996 – already 45 issues Available in six languages online more than copies distributed for every issue Survey to check if the newsletter still fulfils the needs of its readers Fill in the survey online or send a scanned copy by to

8 Natura 2000 newsletter subscription
Update the subscriptions list in 2019 If you wish to continue receiving a paper copy of the newsletter in the future, please re-subscribe: Thanks for spreading the news about it!

9 Thank you for your attention!

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