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Targeted bile acid metabolomics of murine ileal and cecal contents.

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1 Targeted bile acid metabolomics of murine ileal and cecal contents.
Targeted bile acid metabolomics of murine ileal and cecal contents. Bile acids were analyzed by LC-MS from paired ileal (A) and cecal (B) contents from ex vivo spore germination and outgrowth assays. A heat map shows the bile acid concentration present in micrograms per 100 mg of gut content, ranging from 1 to 120,000. The black boxes represent samples that did not reach significance in supporting spore germination and outgrowth of C. difficile spores in Fig. 2. (C) Bile acids present in cecal content that did not support spore germination and outgrowth in the black bars (resistance) or were able to support germination and outgrowth (susceptible) are compared. Significance between groups was determined by Mann-Whitney nonparametric t test. Error bars represent the mean ± SEM (****, P < ). Casey M. Theriot et al. mSphere 2016; doi: /mSphere

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