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Welcome to Kindergarten
Story Elementary 2019-2020 Mrs. Abraham Mrs. Cook Ms. Gable
Miss. Heath
Story Facts: We are the Story Falcons
School Colors are Blue and Silver Our mascot’s name is Sammy On Friday’s we wear Allen or Story shirts for Spirit day.
What to expect……
Kindergarten Communication
We will send home a communication folder each day with your child. Please check, empty and initial the folder each night. You will also be able to find a daily behavior calendar. Most information will be coming home via , so please make sure to check it daily for important dates and events. A Kindergarten newsletter will be ed monthly.
@Miss_Heath18 @JennyAbraham3
More Communication The school will also send out an electronic newsletter once a month. We tweet!!! Please follow us on twitter! @Miss_Heath @JennyAbraham3 @cathyycook @miss_gable @StoryFalcons
so we can schedule a good time for both parties.
Conferences We will schedule parent conferences on an “as needed” basis. However, parents are more than welcome to request a conference at any time. Please make sure to call or us so we can schedule a good time for both parties. We will have a designated parent teacher conference day on October 28nd.
Backpacks & Personal Items
Please be sure your child has a backpack large enough to accommodate a jacket, change of clothes, lunch bag, etc. During the day we ask our kids to keep their jackets zipped up in their backpacks. Please do not send toys, play make-up, stuffed animals, blankets, money, “treasures”, school. In the past some of these items have disappeared, so one way we can fix this problem is to not bring these items to school.
Shoes and Jackets We ask that all students wear shoes they can put on and fasten by themselves. If your child cannot tie their own shoe, please continue to work with them at home on this skill. We do ask that you do not send them in flip flops for safety reasons. With the weather constantly changing, please send a jacket each day during cooler weather. We go outside if the temperature is above 32º. I
Lunch The lunch menu and payment system is online. It can be found on Story’s website. Click on the link for Parents, then on the Cafeteria link. If do not want to pay online through Paypams you can send a check with your student’s name and pin number on the check. Your student will turn it into the cafeteria. *Helpful tip: Practice with your child to learn their lunch pin number- make it a game!
Snack Be sure and send a healthy snack to school each day. Please do not send anything that will spill such as pudding, yogurt, fruit cups with syrup, etc. Please only send water for your child to drink, milk and juice are not allowed in the classroom.. Please do not send anything with peanuts or peanut products.
Field Trips I Kindergarten will be going on 2 field trips this year. We will go to the Dallas zoo in the Fall and Crayola Experience in the Spring. Payment will be made online for field trips. Each class will need 5 parent volunteers. The teacher will be selecting those on a first come first serve basis once the about field trips has gone out. If you would like to be a volunteer you will have to complete an Allen ISD background check.
Class Shirts PTA will purchase each student a class shirt this year!
We will wear these shirts on school spirit days and on field trips. Please fill out the blue form in the folder and return to us tonight!
School hours are 7:45 a.m. – 2:55 p.m.
Attendance If your child is absent from school due to illness, family emergency, religious holy day, or documented juvenile court proceeding, the district requires a parent/guardian to provide a written signed excuse note or doctor’s note providing the reason for the absence within 3 days of your child’s return to school. These notes allow the school to code the absence “excused.” All absences will be coded as “unexcused” until the office receives a note. Excuse notes are very important since 10 or more unexcused absences within a 6 month period are considered a violation of the compulsory attendance law in Texas. Elementary Schools: School hours are 7:45 a.m. – 2:55 p.m.
Other Need to Knows… Medicine
If your child takes medication at school, it must be turned into the Nurse in the original container. Students cannot keep it with them in their backpack. Personal Care Please make sure your child knows how to take care of their bathroom needs independently.
Let’s Talk About Arrival
7:25-7:35 K-2 students report to the cafeteria and sit in their assigned spots. (The first day of school will be different) 7:35 K-2 teachers walk students to their classrooms. *Parents must have a picture ID and sign in at the front desk to walk their students to the cafeteria starting the 3rd day of school.
Dismissal for Kindergarten is 2:50
Let’s Talk About Dismissal Dismissal for Kindergarten is 2:50 Carpool Please review the Arrival and Dismissal Procedures on Kindergarten’s web page under parent information. Kindergarten students are let out a few minutes before the other students.
Dismissal Continued Daycare and Bus Riders
Students will be picked up by a staff member and taken to a designated spot for day care pick-up. Bus riders are also picked up by a staff member and taken to a designated area to wait for their bus.
Dismissal Continued Walkers
Walkers are students who will be walking home with other students but without an adult. Kindergarten walkers go to the gym and wait for the older student to pick them up before they may leave the building. If the student your child will be walking home with is absent please let us know how your child will be getting home that day.
Dismissal Continued Walk-ups
Walk-ups are students who will be picked up by a parent or designated adult. They will exit the gym door by the bike racks. If a parent is not picking up their child but has designated another adult to do so, the student’s teacher needs this in writing. We will ask that adult to present ID. Please use the crosswalks and teach your child to do so as well.
It’s Raining! What do we do?
Patience, patience, and more patience. Follow the procedure you indicated on your bad weather dismissal form. ~Please stay in your car, display your car line sign and a teacher will walk your child to your car. ~You may still pick up at the gym door next to the bike rack but the students will be in the gym not waiting outside.
Important Information
If for any reason your child needs to go home a different way you must send a note or call the office notifying us of the change. Teachers cannot rely on the student’s word alone. Please do not rely on an sent the same day. If another adult is picking up your student, they will need to present identification and be on the list in skyward.
First Day of School Parents may walk their students down to the classrooms between 7:25 – 7:35. If you expect this to be a difficult goodbye, please remember that lingering will make it harder for everyone.
First Week of Kindergarten
Class Placements (More From Mrs. Tabor)
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