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Types of Expository Writing

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1 Types of Expository Writing

2 Problem-Solution Explains a problem and presents ways in which the problem might be solved. A good problem-solution essay makes a complex problem simple to understand, and explores all of the possible solutions to the problem.

3 Description The author describes a topic by listing characteristics, features, and examples. The reader should be able to picture the topic in his/her head because the description is so vivid.

4 Description (cont.) The focus of the information included for the descriptive essay may include the senses: hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, and seeing.

5 Compare/Contrast The author explains how two or more things are alike (similarities) and/or how they are different.

6 Explanation The author explains a topic by giving details, definitions, examples, and facts. The more specific details you give the better your explanation will be.

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