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14/09/2010 IMP5 CPOs T. Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "14/09/2010 IMP5 CPOs T. Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 14/09/2010 IMP5 CPOs T. Johnson

2 Outline Overview of IMP5 CPOs Bugs & examples
What’s new 4.08b? (ready to be release after meeting - no official date) New feature: structures containing arrays of structures WAVES is test case Arbitrary variables and unstructured grid available for 2D quantities in WAVES 2

3 IMP5 cpos There are still no cpos for fast particle/instability output
ALPHAS Fusion reaction model COREPROF (NOT IMP5) There are still no cpos for fast particle/instability output NBI Beam deposition model Collision couple the distributions INPUT Machine descriptions Experimental data Other input + Self-consistency NBI: neutral source inside injector DISTSOURCE: source for kinetic ion/electron models Kinetic model (e.g. Fokker-Planck) Datajoiners: e.g. new cpo merges IC & EC waves DISTRIBUTION: distribution functions RF HEATING Wave model ANTENNAS: boundary condition at antenna WAVES: Wave field OUTPUT CORESOURCE: input for ETS (NOT IMP5)

4 IMP5 cpos (my interpretation)
We have KEPLER actors for most models; although not all of them fill completely the output cpos ALPHAS Not available: Maybe ASCOT? COREPROF (NOT IMP5) NBI NEMO / ASCOT INPUT Machine descriptions; JET NBI coming soon Experimental data Other input (usually ETS) + NBI: neutral source inside injector DISTSOURCE: source for kinetic ion/electron models FPSIM Not available: ACT6 DISTRIBUTION: distribution functions RF HEATING TORIQ / EVE / GRAY ANTENNAS: boundary condition at antenna WAVES: Wave field OUTPUT CORESOURCE: input for ETS (NOT IMP5)

5 Bugs & examples CPOs for testing
When testing that your code can read CPOs; then you need examples You may not find what you need (some fields missing / no CPO exists) You may even be the first person to use these cpos! If not, then you should either write test-routine yourself that fill your input cpo please share your routine/template cpo! or contact IMP5 Leadership; we’ll ask someone to do it for you – not recommended! Bugs or bad design There will be mistakes in the CPOs! Please let us know when you find them! If there’s something you don’t like in the cpos; let us know! We are IMP5 and we have to make this work together! 5

6 What’s new 4.08b? Next revision is 4.08b; ready to be release after meeting (no official date) 2D spatial grids in WAVES: 4.08a grids (psi, theta) 4.08b grid in arbitrary coordinates (dim1, dim2) 4.08c will include new 2D grid for DISTSOURCE and DISTRIBUTION New feature “arrays of structure” IMP5 cpo WAVES was test pilot: In 4.08a datais arrays of frequency index, e.g. …%Eplus(jfreq, ind1,…) In 4.08b the WAVES are split into an array of coherent waves (e.g. one for each RF antenna or EC beam); each one being a structure with properties Eplus, Epar…; e.g. waves%coherentwave(jfreq)%...%Eplus(ind1,…) Advantage e.g.: merge waves from ECRH, ICRH into one CPO; 4.08a: copy every field (Eplus, Eminus…) separately 4.08b: copy entire ”frequency”-structures Modified indexing of modules in waves%antennaslh_setup NBI: Specification of beam injected species simplified 6

7 Changes: waves (4.08a / 4.08b) 4.08a 4.08b grids changed Array
(name changed to coherentwave) In wave field split in one structure per frequency 4.08a: …%Eplus(jfreq, ind1,…) 4.08b: frequencies(jfreq)%...%Eplus(ind1,…) 2D grid changed to general from (npsi,ntheta) to general coordinates (ndim1,ndim2)

8 Changes in waves/beamtrace
nbeams remove in 4.08b; replaced by array of frequencies all arrays of frequencies removed 4.08a 4.08b 8

9 Changed: waves/fullwave/pol_decomp
nmpol obsolete in 4.08b; replaced by size(…) (only one frequency; only one mpol) all array indexing of frequencies removed 4.08a 4.08b 9

10 Changes: wave/grid(1d/2d)
4.08b – 1D (npsi) 2D grid changed from (npsi,ntheta) to (ndim1,ndim2); Thus different psi/rho are needed for 1D and 2D grid. grid_type added 4.08b - 1D & 2D (npsi) 4.08b - 2D (ndim1,ndim2) Allows for unstructured grids (ntheta) frequency vectors absolete in 4.08b (ndim1,ndim2) 10

11 Changes: waves/antennaLH_setup
Position index of the module in the poloidal and toroidal directions added Dimension of Amplitude/Phase of the TE10 mode injected changed 4.08a: Array 3D (nantenna_lh,max_nma_phi,max_nma_theta) 4.08b: Matrix (nantenna_lh, max_nmodules) 11

12 Changes: NBI NBI species description simplified;
pointers to the plasma composition removed 4.08a 4.08b Added: zion=ions charge 12

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