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Welcome to the Daily Sting!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Daily Sting!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Daily Sting!

2 Yulee Hornets SOAR… Own your Actions Achieve Success Respect Everyone
Strive for Excellence Own your Actions Achieve Success Respect Everyone

3 How do Hornets SOAR Today?
Today, Hornets will respect everyone. Never judge someone by the way he looks or a book by the way it's covered; for inside those tattered pages, there's a lot to be discovered.      ---Stephen Cosgrove

4 World Suicide Prevention Day
This week is Suicide Prevention Week. The colors are PURPLE and TEAL! Thanks for wearing purple and teal today. Let’s all be a part of Suicide Prevention!

5 September is Suicide Prevention Month
September is Suicide Prevention Month. September 9-13 is Suicide Prevention Week. It’s a time to remember… those affected by suicide, to raise awareness, and to focus efforts on directing treatment to those who need it most. In honor of Suicide Prevention Month, posters around campus will list the 5 steps to take to help someone in suicidal crisis.

6 How can each one of us make a difference?

7 Help Victims of Hurricane Dorian
Bring: Water…Non- perishable foods…Ready to eat foods…Flashlights… Batteries…Toiletries…First Aid Items… Items will be collected through first period classes. The first period class that donates the most items will receive juice and doughnuts. There will be a winner for each grade level. We will be collecting items from Monday, September 9 through Friday, September 13. Help Victims of Hurricane Dorian

8 Be innovative…Join the Robotics Team.
See your zero-period teacher for an application. Robotics is open to all grade levels. Please read the application carefully; there are two categories and you can only apply for one. Spots are limited, and once all applications are submitted, there will be a random drawing for the spots available. Return applications by Friday to your zero- period teacher. Watch the Daily Sting Monday for those who were chosen.

9 Be Hornet Proud. Buy a Hornet Nation pass for $30.
Get a t-shirt and free admission to every sporting event of Yulee Middle School. Adult and family passes are available as well. Get an application from Mr. Schinella, Mrs. Faracca, and Ms. Fox. Make checks payable to YMS. Because of the hurricane, sale ends September 13. That’s this Friday! 8th grade—black shirt 7th grade—green shirt 6th grade—gray shirt

10 Quidditch—Muggles Welcome!
YMS Quidditch Club will start up today. Pick up a sports packet in the main office. Get that completed ASAP! Meet in room 204 in the media center right after school. Come “S.O.A.R.” with us!

11 Attention, Football Players:
Meet in Coach Matto’s room right after school.

12 First Football Game -- 2019-20
Finally…Football! First Football Game Today, September 10th at 6 PM at YHS Come to the YHS stadium to cheer them on!

13 Lady Hornets are a FORCE!
Tomorrow, our volleyball team plays FBMS at 5:30 PM and 6:30 PM. Wish them well today!

14 Make this a great day for everyone by following the rules.
Dress according to the code, and remember no open containers on campus.

15 Stay green and gold, and remember, this year,
we’re going to S.O.A.R!

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