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Omega Selection Center

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1 Omega Selection Center
Installation Instructions 2015

2 Parts & Tools Needed For Base Assembly
2 Turnings VeneerTop (VT) C-B15-MBPTP D-BEP-F3 & 2.375” wide Plywood filler D-B12-L F-B30ROTS Tools: Screw gun and/or drill 3/16” Drill bit Bit to fit selected screw type Clamps 5/8” Forstner or spade bit Assortment of: 1 ¼” screws 1 ½” screws, 2 ½” screws.

3 When installing the full access cabinet between the custom and semi-custom cabinets, be sure to drill and screw through the side of the full access cabinet into the frame of the other 2 cabinets using 1 ¾” to 2” screws.

4 When installing BEP, keep the back flush to the back of the cabinet
When installing BEP, keep the back flush to the back of the cabinet. This will allow for the proper space on the front for the turning.

5 Assembly of top section:
Parts needed: 2 Filler boxes Veneer Top Crown topper Make sure the fillers boxes are a minimum of 54 3/16” apart Minimum of 54 3/16”

6 1.0625” Top Assembly: Place the filler boxes on the veneer top, leaving ”

7 Photo of the veneer top and filler box:
Pre-drill 3 holes through the veneer top to secure filler boxes

8 To secure filler boxes to the topper:
Measure 1 7/16” or check for 54 3/16” between boxes. This is the dimension from filler box to edge of moulding.

9 (Photo of the inside of the topper)
(Photo of the inside of the topper). Pre drill 3 holes through topper to secure top of filler boxes to the topper

10 Assembled top section. Ready for door library insertion.

11 Insert library cabinet and secure.

Feed connecting wires through predrilled holes to connect lights. TIP: Pre-dilling the screw holes for the light bar makes it easier to put in the screws The lights should be placed so that the provided holes in the light bar are to the bottom of the shelf (lower level) and then screwed to the shelf NOT the rail. For the top level, the lights should be placed so that the provided holes in the light bar are screwed into the top, not the rail.

13 Top light: Connect long wire and feed through provided hole in the top

14 Lower section of the library:
Connect the long wire and feed through provided hole in back of library

15 Attach pigtails to tail end of long wires

16 Ready to assemble low voltage regulator, dimmer receiver and junction box.
For questions refer to instructions provided with lighting supplies.

17 Plug pigtails into junction box. Lighting should be ready to test.
Complete by storing the transformer and junction box on the top of the topper.

18 Installation of Tray Dividers in door library drawers
7 5/8” on center Start with the 4 pieces per drawer of channel molding and mark 7 5/8” from inside of drawer box to center of channel molding. You can either brad nail into place or pre-drill holes and screw them into place both front and back. Then simply put dividers into place.

19 Completed Selection Center

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