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Colonial America: 1587-1770 The Middle Colonies.

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1 Colonial America: The Middle Colonies

2 New York Founded by the Dutch in 1625 Founded for trade purposes
Peter Stuyvesant was war hero and governor of New Amsterdam English took over; renamed New York after the Duke of York (King Charles II’s brother)

3 Quakers Found Colony 1681- Charles II gives large land grant to William Penn (Jr.) Owes father, Admiral William Penn, $81,000 Wealthy, high social status But… he’s a Quaker! Quakers stressed… Religious tolerance Simplicity Kindness to others Opposed any use of force Wanted religious, social, and political freedom All this makes English believe Quakers radicals! Plus… Not Anglican! Quakers often imprisoned, tortured, or hung

4 What’s in a Name? Penn (Jr.) granted colony b/c Charles II owes his father $81,000 Admiral William Penn Dies in 1670 Debt cancelled with land grant Wants to name it Penn’s Land (for Dad) Names it Sylvania (woods) King Charles II renames Pennsylvania Meaning “Penn’s Woods” in honor of his friend

5 Pennsylvania Religious freedom First settlement is Philadelphia
Meaning “Brotherly Love” Attracts settlers w/ stories of great soil and climate Promises Religious freedom A voice in gov’t 1682- gets more land and expands west to Delaware Bay Defeat of Dutch by Duke of York Penn’s Quaker beliefs not good according to Dutch settlers already in the area Begin petitioning for autonomy Granted in 1704 Delaware Colony Mr. Zoller’s Podcast: 13 Colonies- The Middle Colonies (11:22)

6 New Jersey New Jersey Attracts settlers quickly Founded by Quakers
Bergen was 1st settlement Land on easy terms Religious freedom

7 Delaware Founded by Peter Minuit New Sweden was the 1st settlement
Founded for trade

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