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Search for a New Vector Resonance in the pp WWtt+X Channel at LHC

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1 Search for a New Vector Resonance in the pp WWtt+X Channel at LHC
September 2006 Search for a New Vector Resonance in the pp WWtt+X Channel at LHC M. Gintner, I. Melo, B. Trpišová University of Žilina

2 Motivation An alternative to the SM Higgs boson:
Strong Electroweak Symmetry Breaking A new strong vector resonance as an isospin triplet ( )

3 The Model Modified BESS model -- the only non SM particle
Respects the symmetries of the SM Higgs sector: local, global > 10 < 0.1 … coupling constants of the original BESS ~ ~ … coupling constant GeV … electroweak scale

4 Analysis of pp For the dominant gg channel:
cross-sections and statistical significance CompHEP reconstruction CompHEP – events generation Pythia – decay and hadronization Atlfast – detector effects and reconstruction of the jets ROOT, C++ -- event reconstruction

5 39(8) diagrams in the dominant gg channel
No resonance background ρ ρ ρ

6 CompHEP Results Cuts: GeV 0.96 fb … 39 diagrams
ρ: Mρ=700 GeV, Γρ=4 GeV, b2=0.08, g =10 Cuts: GeV 0.96 fb … diagrams 0.037 fb … No diagrams R ~ ~ 46 … diagrams

7 l jjbjjbjj Reconstruction
One charged lepton channel: 40% of events Cuts: of electron > 30 GeV muon > 20 GeV jets > 25 GeV mass of the W: GeV b-tagging efficiency 50% Reconstruction criterion

8 Invariant mass of the WW pair …
Mass of the ρ-resonance number of events/17 GeV 8 diagrams 39 diagrams Lum=100/fb 2.4 events 12.2 events number of events/17 GeV

9 8 diagrams 39 diagrams Mass of the W boson Mass of the top quark
Lum=100/fb Lum=100/fb 12.2 events 2.4 events number of events/0.6 GeV number of events/0.6 GeV Mass of the top quark Lum=100/fb Lum=100/fb 2.4 events 12.2 events number of events/2.5 GeV number of events/2.5 GeV

10 Conclusions For the resonance with GeV, g”=10, =0.08: I.
in the final state – maximum values of R at around 100 II. reconstruction The top quark and the W reconstruction O.K. The ρ reconstruction – 40% of events fall into the ρ peak need to improve the reconstruction algorithm III. Future work much larger cross-section compared to , i.e. larger numbers of events

11 versus

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