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Ecclesiastes An Introduction.

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1 Ecclesiastes An Introduction

2 Most of us have contemplated the questions of life: Who am I
Most of us have contemplated the questions of life: Who am I? What is my purpose? Where am I headed? We live in times where the answers to these questions are more confusing than ever

3 The Bible gives us answers to these questions
Some 3000 years ago, Solomon, with wisdom from God, penned the book of Ecclesiastes. In this book we find his pursuit for life’s meaning and where we are headed Today we begin a study of Ecclesiastes

4 Hebrew word Qoheleth – found 7 times all in Ecclesiastes
Background Ecclesiastes is from a Greek word (LXX), meaning preacher or teacher (1:1) “Church” is a derivative of the root Hebrew word Qoheleth – found 7 times all in Ecclesiastes

5 Son of David, king of Jerusalem (1:1)
Background Solomon is the author Son of David, king of Jerusalem (1:1) Appointed by David to reign in his place (1 Kings 1:28, 1 Chronicles 22:9-10, 28:5)

6 Requested wisdom (1 Kings 3:5-9).
King Solomon He began his rule with humility (1 Kings 3:3ff) Requested wisdom (1 Kings 3:5-9). By the LORD he is given wealth, power and promised long life if… Appointed by David to reign in his place (1 Kings 3:11-14)

7 He was extremely wealthy and successful. (1 Kings 10:27)
King Solomon He built the temple (1 Kings 6-8), and many other projects. God ACCEPTED the temple as His place of worship He was extremely wealthy and successful. (1 Kings 10:27)

8 Such is the tragedy of Solomon’s later life
King Solomon He had 700 wives and 300 concubines (1 Kings 11:1-3) They would turn his heart from serving YHWH and to following idols As a result, the LORD is angered and declares the removal of most of his kingdom after his death (1 Kings 11:12-13) Such is the tragedy of Solomon’s later life

9 He sought his pursuits with wisdom (1:13, 16)
King Solomon Ecclesiastes attributed to Solomon The introduction – king & son of David (1:1, 12) He sought his pursuits with wisdom (1:13, 16) 12:9 – he wrote various proverbs (1 Kings 4:32 – 3000) He was very wealthy

10 Clearly, Solomon was “qualified” to write this book
King Solomon Ecclesiastes attributed to Solomon He built things (2:4-6) He acquired male and female servants (2:7-8). Would this include his wives? Clearly, Solomon was “qualified” to write this book

11 Frustration with life’s inconsistencies
King Solomon Qualities of the writer Pessimism Frustration with life’s inconsistencies Materialistic and self-centered (at least at first) A believer in God Realization of a wasted life

12 Perhaps he returned to God Around 940-930 BC
King Solomon Timing of this book This book was probably written later in Solomon’s life when he has lived and experienced so much – successes and failures. Perhaps he returned to God Around BC

13 The purpose of this book
To answer the questions of life: Why am I here? Etc. Ecclesiastes 1:1-3, 13 – vanity of vanities, all is vanity… What profit has a man for all his toils…? All that is done under heaven (the sun)

14 Keys to consider as we study this book
It is written for our learning – Romans 15:4, 1 Corinthians 10:11, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Within its pages we find the nature of God that has not changed AND the nature of man that has not changed AND life has not changed

15 Keys to consider in this book:
Activity – done, toiled, worker, deeds, make, do, etc. One Hebrew word used 43 times – 2:11, 5-6,3:9, etc. Works – 21 times - productivity – 2:4, 11, 3:11 – rejoice in his own works Labors – 22+ times - 1:3 – what profit has a man from all his labor

16 Keys to consider in this book:
Vanity (emptiness, vapor, etc.) – the pursuits of this life. Used 38 times in this book - 1:14 Breath (wind, heart, etc.) – used 24 times sometimes descriptive of the emptiness of life (1:14,17, 2:11,etc – grasping for wind)

17 Keys to consider in this book:
Death – the end of man in this life. All will die (7:1, 3:2, 19) BUT, there is a difference between man and beast – 3:21 1 Corinthians 15:19 Wisdom – used 53 times in its various forms. It is good and worthy of respect. Used in his quest - 1:13 BUT it is not the end all of this life 1 Corinthians 1:21-25

18 Keys to consider in this book:
Fool – 21 times – 2:14-16) Both the wise and the fool die Good – pleasant, agreeable, etc. Used 50+ times in its various forms. 2:24,26 Observations – some 50+ times – what he saw or observed

19 Keys to consider in this book:
God – at least 40 times Solomon believes in God and concludes His greatness Ecclesiastes 3:9-15 – man’s God-given task. What we have is a gift 5:1-7 – do not be hasty in your utterances before God

20 Outline of Ecclesiastes
Introduction – 1:1-11 Pursuit for meaning – 1:12-2:26 Life lessons, observations and warnings – 3:1-11:8 Prepare to stand before God – 11:9-12:14

21 Solomon’s conclusion Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all Judgment is coming! Are we ready?

22 What does life mean to you?

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