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All-staff meeting 8 May 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "All-staff meeting 8 May 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 All-staff meeting 8 May 2019

2 Update on independent review of discipline process and review of values
All-staff meeting 8 May 2019

3 Background Following the group chat and community and media response to this, the University Council instigated two parallel work streams in February - an independent external review of our student disciplinary process and a Joint Council and Senate Advisory Group to affirm Warwick’s values, review what is and is not acceptable behaviour in our community, and consider how we can encourage positive behaviours.

4 Independent external review of discipline process terms of reference
Review of the Facebook event, in order to advise on what lessons can be learnt around process and communications in its widest sense for the future Review current University disciplinary process paying specific reference to complaints or incidents relating to sexual misconduct, hate crimes, racist or sexist and/or bullying behaviour To provide recommendations for alternative, future proof processes and wider communications aligned with the values and behaviours work of the Joint Advisory Group

5 Joint advisory group (values and behaviours) terms of reference
In consultation with our community: Produce a restatement of our values as stated in our strategy; openness, diversity, respect and trust Establish what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable behaviour

6 Membership Joint group membership is drawn from Senate and Council committees, together with representation from key community groups at the University and from experts both within and external to the University in some of the areas covered by this review.

7 Timeline Joint Advisory Group Final report Report to be published
Workstream announcement Independent external review and Joint Advisory Group announcement (DN) Joint Advisory Group Consultation Workshops Final report Report to be published Online questionnaires Capture comments and input from campus community Joint workshop Senate Council Independent external review 13 Feb 2 April 20 May 12 June 10 July Online questionnaires Capture comments and input from campus community and other HEIS Final report Interviews Report to be published Stakeholder interviews Initial recommendations

8 Key activities so far Joint Advisory Group (values and behaviours)
Analysis of existing documents and webpages An online portal to capture comments on values and behaviours A glossary for terminology A workshop on acceptable and unacceptable behaviours Consultation sessions at various locations Synthesis of the data captured

9 Key activities so far Independent External Review
Analysis of documentation and material relating to the Facebook case and current processes and procedures Intensive period of interviews with wide range of stakeholders An online questionnaire to capture views from the community An external questionnaire to understand different approaches across sector

10 Next steps Independent External Review
Challenge emerging thinking during the review Identify what else could be part of our disciplinary processes Draft recommendations ahead of a joint workshop with values group .

11 Next steps Joint Advisory Group (values and behaviours)
Produce an agreed set of principles and values Think about implementation both for the beginning of the next academic year and longer term Review and revise key policies Develop a communications plan

12 Reporting outcomes and taking action
Alignment of both workstreams through a joint workshop on 20 May Coordinated planning and resourcing for implementation of recommendations and any revised procedures/practices Reports will be finalised and considered by the University Senate and the University Council at meetings in June/July Approved reports will be shared with the community and made public over the summer

13 All-staff meeting 8 May 2019

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