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Little heath school learning for life  together  one community

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Presentation on theme: "Little heath school learning for life  together  one community"— Presentation transcript:

1 Little heath school learning for life  together  one community

2 Introduction to sixth form

3 PurPose of Evening Share ideas on how we can work together to help our young people achieve:- Academic success Gain the skills required to move onto the next step in their careers Leave the Sixth Form feeling confident to meet the challenges of life beyond Little Heath.

4 Why we have arranged this evening
KS5 is becoming more challenging - two year journey but students need to hit the ground running. Important to work together with all adults involved to support our young people. Research shows that as children get older parental encouragement and interest in, their children’s learning are more important than direct involvement .

5 The Team Ms Vignali – Head of Sixth Form Mrs Zell – Head of Year 12
Mr Jessop – Head of Year 13 Mrs Bell – Sixth Form Receptionist Mrs Wilson – Sixth Form Admin Support Mrs Wooller - Careers Leader

6 How to be a successful sixth former

7 The Basics - Academic success
Work hard Attend all lessons and arrive on time - this time is precious . Lessons are not optional. Organisation – start from day 1, folders, revision notes Engage in lessons - be prepared to talk and share ideas Check SMHW daily –for extra reading ideas and extension work Meet deadlines

8 Essential skills for Success
Commitment and dedication Personal Learning and Thinking Skills: Creative Thinkers Effective Participators Reflective Learners Team Workers Self Managers Independent Enquirer Perseverance Ask for help

9 Study programmes The basics Lessons
Subject study periods – 2 per subject per fortnight Study periods – independent research/extra reading Study at home – 6 hours per week per subject outside of lessons MOOCs Wellbeing Other academic and non qualification activities e.g. attending talks by visiting speakers, attending after school extension activities, attending visits organised by the school to universities… There is always something to do…..

10 moocs = More Open Online Courses
BBC Article: “Free online programmes, aimed at helping sixth-formers bridge the gap between school and university, are due to launch this summer. The university-led "massive open online courses" (MOOCs) will be available on the FutureLearn website …The aim was to help students choose a degree course "that is right for them"

11 weLLBEING Despite all of our messages about working hard, it’s extremely important that our students take time for themselves as it can be a very stressful time. Timetabled period once a week Do something they are passionate about which will them relax Facilities available in the centre Supported by discussions about these issues in the mentor programme

12 The Basics – preparing for next steps
Taking every opportunity to develop the skills and get the experiences which will help them stand out for the competition.

13 Thinking from the first moment about planning their post sixth form application
CONTEXT In January 2019 there were 373,730 applications made to UCAS for university places! The National Apprenticeship Service suggest that there are approximately 21 applications for every 1 offered apprenticeship! How will your child stand out from the crowd?

14 Essential skills for future careers
Leadership Organisation Resilience Initiative Communication skills Need to take every opportunity to develop these

15 What are employers and universities looking for?
Grades and courses References Additional relevant experiences Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills Knowledge of the world around you Passion and personality Why this is iMportant

16 Non-Qualification Activities
Prefects School support Duke of Edinburgh Mentoring – working with young people Outside of school - NCS Work experience Jobs Passions and interests These opportunities are signposted in Careers bulletin and on the digital signage

17 How can you support Look at their folders and discuss their work with them – if they can teach you then that’s a great way to learn Make sure that they work at home – show my homework is still used for sixth formers. Encourage them to read around their subjects – easy with the internet. Use show my homework to check deadlines and support. Ask them what their target grade is –this is the minimum grade they will be expected to achieve and is based on GCSE results.

18 How can you support Get them talking about their post sixth form plans early Look at the careers bulletin and point them in the direction of any relevant experience Encourage them to take up all the opportunities we offer Keep an eye on part time jobs – no more than 8 hours a week. TALK TO US

19 Key Dates for you to be aware of
Initial recording – October 2019 Year 12 mentor evening Reading scholars application – deadline – 8th November Russell Group Evening- January Year 12 Parents Evening PPEs May 2020 June - resit exams for students who have underperformed in their PPEs June start filling in the UCAS form Work experience week starting 6th July

20 Year 12 Work Experience Week commencing 6th July 2020
Duration – 1 week (or can be less depending on placement) Opportunity for all Year 12 students Preparatory work and evaluation afterwards to ensure high quality experience that is valuable Little Heath School works in partnership with the Education Business Partnership of West Berkshire

21 Why complete a work experience week?
Gain an understanding of a particular type of job Gain understanding of what it is like to work full time in general Develop employability skills Apply what you are learning in the classroom to a work place situation Discover new skills and interests Valuable experience to use when writing Personal Statements for University or work Enables you to give real life examples at interview Contacts for the future and may result in work opportunities

22 3 options for sourcing a work placement
Option One – students find their own placement using their own contacts and contacts of their parents / school. Parents complete a disclaimer form to say they are happy with the placement and take responsibility for their child’s health and safety during the placement. Option Two – students find their own placement but request that the EBP conduct a health and safety check to verify safety standards. Option Three – Education Business Partnership will source a placement for the student

23 Option One Find your own work placement in an area you are interested in We have many online resources available to students: Unifrog Eclips Careers Companion Do you have friends or family members who could help you? Consider logistics – how will you get there? Complete an Own Placement Form and return it to school (Sixth Form reception) Signatures are required on these forms as confirmation from Parents/Guardians, employer and student Parents complete the disclaimer form and attach to the Own Placement Form when handing this in. Employer must provide details for Public Liability Insurance AND of risk assessments specifically to work experience students being on site.

24 Option Two Find your own work placement in an area you are interested in We have many online resources available to students: Unifrog Eclips Careers Companion Do you have friends or family members who could help you? Consider logistics – how will you get there? Complete an Own Placement Form and return it to school (Sixth Form reception) Signatures are required on these forms as confirmation from Parents/Guardians, employer and student Request that the EBPWB complete a Health and safety check of the placement – fee required upon submitting form

25 Option Three The students complete an Application Form for the EBP:
Interests Three general sectors they are interested in Locations / where they can get to and how Medical details Return form to school along with payment by We pass this onto the EBPWB Signatures are required as confirmation from Parent/Guardians EBPWB may need to interview some students for individual placing. This will take place in school EBPWB will source the placement and undertake pre-placement checks Bursary students can be paid from bursary funding

26 An introduction to the Education Business Partnership of West Berkshire
Established 26 years Active network of 1500 businesses Based in Newbury but able to travel county wide and beyond Working with students within primary schools, secondary schools and colleges across Thames Valley and Wiltshire Over 1200 students involved in work related learning activities each academic year Goal to inspire the future workforce

27 Pre-placement checks Checking that the setting is appropriate and safe for the student Health and safety check Insurance check Employers asked to undertake a Risk Assessment Students issued with a job description / summary of what they will be doing during the week Realistic expectations and tasks

28 Costs Own Placements cost £40 to Health and Safety check through the EBP EBP sourced placements cost £77 Pay through Parent Mail accounts as with a school event / trip All payments by 9th January Bursary students will be funded

29 During the placement Student completes a log book
School staff call the employer to ‘check-in’ Employers provide feedback – students may use this in future applications or request a reference from the employer Always available to support in school

30 After the placement The school and the EBP review all Placements
Students receive a debrief at school Students will upload the competencies gained to Unifrog Students should update their CV / Personal Statement to reflect the skills gained during work experience.

31 Support to find an own placement
Talk to family and friends and explore ideas Mentor will discuss ideas with the students Mrs Wooller Mr Male Look online, write a letter, make a phone call. Worth a try!

32 Dates and Deadlines Complete Own Placement Form or Application Form by 9th January 2020 and include payment Hand in all forms to Sixth Form reception and include payment at time of handing in form The longer you give the EBP to source a placement the more opportunities they might find for you. So if you find a place next week, get the form in to us. Interviews with students wishing to be placed by EBPWB on 16th January 2020. 8th June 2020 Health and Safety briefing in assembly and final Placement Forms issued to students Parental consent form signed and returned to Sixth form Reception by 15th June 2020

33 Unifrog Enables students to effectively search for future destinations post A- levels. It is a one stop shop where students can explore their interests, then find and successfully apply for their best next step after school.

34 Useful Tools Subjects Library Careers Library Know-How Library MOOC’s
Activities Personal Competencies Interactions UK Universities European Universities US Universities Canadian Universities Oxbridge Apprenticeships Special Opportunities Personal Statement CV Tool


36 Parents Log In Form Code – littleheathparents
User details – Your own personal details Accept the terms of use.

37 Little heath school find us on facebook @lhsreading

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