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MVP 60450 Volleyball Club 10U-18U.

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Presentation on theme: "MVP 60450 Volleyball Club 10U-18U."— Presentation transcript:

1 MVP 60450 Volleyball Club 10U-18U

2 Table of contents What our philosophy is…. Director/Coaches
Parents Director/Coaches Practice Times/Locations Cost/Tournaments/Locations/WCPL/PRES DAY USAV Membership Tryouts/Team size

3 Philosophy Preparing young adults for successful lives by inspiring and expecting excellence every day. MVP coaches will provide a positive, encouraging, but demanding environment, where players are expected to hone previously learned skills, learn new skills, and receive feedback in regards to individual and team strategic skills. The team will have common goals, which may mean that individual sacrifices will need to be made in order to attain the team goals.  We encourage our players to speak with their coaches in regards to issues that arise--learning to advocate in a positive way for oneself is a life-long skill that takes practice and is important for both coaches and players to learn and strive to improve at.

4 Parents/Players 24 hour no contact policy
Cooling off period Promote athlete and coach communication Please respect the coaches and do not have a negative conversation/argument at a tournament/practice. You desire their respect and time, so please set up a time to meet with coaches. Players and parents please inform the coach 24 hours prior to practice, if you will not be attending. It is important for practice plans and preparation. Playing time is not equal but playing time is guaranteed

5 Coaches and Directors Caroline Cummings-Director/Assistant Coach
Lisa Esmond-Director/Assistant Coach-(10th year with MVP) Melissa Cardone- Head Coach-(11th year with MVP) Melanie Kunz-Head Coach-(11th year with MVP) Hali Steffes-Head Coach- (6th year with MVP) Matt Grandgeorge-Head Coach-(4th year as coach for MVP) Kaileen Cummings (3rd year as a coach for MVP) former player Vanessa Melendez (2nd year as coach for MVP) former player Alyssa Sajnaj (2nd year as coach for MVP) former player Katy Severson (2nd year as coach for MVP) Kari Brenning (2nd year as coach for MVP) Annalyn Bendele (1st year as a coach for MVP) former player Ashley Deichmueller (1st year as a coach for MVP) former player Gisselle Melendez (1st year as a coach for MVP) former player

6 Practice Times/Locations
Shabbona Saratoga White Oak Sundays Range from 11:30-1:30, 1:30-3:30, 3;30-5;30 Wednesdays Range from 7-8:30, 6:30-8 Mondays Reserved for lessons and skills night

7 Cost/Tournaments Costs Full Season is $1100
Winter $650 (5-6 Tournaments) December-March Spring $450 (4 Tournaments) March-May 10U January through 1st week of April $300 Additional cost for Navy Pier in June 14,15,16 or June 17,18 Tournament Locations WCPL tions%20to%20Sites.pdf ASICS Illini Elite (Bloomington) Top Flight (Elgin) College of Dupage (Glen Ellyn) Velocity Sport Center (Mokena) Elmhurst College (Elmhurst)

8 USAV Member Player must have a current USAV membership prior to tryouts—either a tryout membership or full membership. This rule is for insurance purposes, and all clubs are required to follow it. After the player has made the team, please update to a full membership and click on MVP for club affiliation.

9 USAV Membership Club Affiliation
When registering please leave your club affiliation as undecided until you have committed to a club. When you are ready to affiliate: Login to your account Choose Member Profile on the left Click on the down arrow on the right, where it says Club to open the box, locate the correct club, and click on it After making sure the correct club has been selected, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on Edit Contact Info A pop up will appear letting you know the information was updated - click OK Log out Incorrect Affiliation If you have chosen the incorrect club for affiliation you will not be able to change it yourself. Send an  to Donna Smith  asking to change your affiliation. Office staff will confirm your affiliation status and update your record.

10 Uniforms/Spirit Wear Jerseys will be given out in December. Each player will be asked to return the jersey at their last tournament. Players will provide their own spandex, knee pads and shoes of their choice Spirit wear will be an online optional purchase. Items will be delivered to me and handed out at practice. If you would like any of those items as Xmas presents send me an and we can arrange time to meet.

11 Tryouts A phone call will be made home to all kids that do not make the team. We feel that this is an important policy in case there are questions or areas we where can help the player improve. Teams range from 8-11 members Players may be asked to play up for a season or even just for a tournament. There are times we may ask players to come back again, so we are able to see them with another group or if we feel we need to see more of their skill set.

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