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Religious Life Dedicated to God.

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1 Religious Life Dedicated to God

2 In the Catholic Tradition
Religious: usually refers to people who choose to live in communities where members bow solely to serve God All Christians are called to be religious To live out their faith in the way that God calls them to Term used for sister, brothers, and priests Religious orders: groups officially recognized by the Catholic church Founded shortly after the time of Jesus

3 What do religious people do?
Wide variety of jobs Most priests-diocesan Assigned to a specific job Spreading the Good News, promoting life and human dignity are central

4 What makes religious life different from single life?
Religious take vows to serve God alone Follow a “rule of life” Unique to each congregation Gives substance to the vows by specifying how an individual will fulfill the mission of the congregation Gives instructions about essential elements: Community, Prayer, and Service

5 Community Support and challenge
Can provide concerned listening, practical advice, and words of encouragement and humor Challenge one to remember that God is present in each person they are ministering to as well as within a community Most communities were founded to serve the human community in a specific way

6 Prayer Essential element of religious life
Religious persons often work with life’s most difficult decision Focus on God, the center of existence Takes different forms: Eucharist, meditation, shared reflection Renews sense of the Holy Spirit dwelling within Gives strength Work is prayer

7 Service Religious serve in a variety of ways
Founded to meet specific needs Schools, hospitals, orphanages If a need exists a religious community will likely try to meet it Ministries need to reflect the mission of Jesus and the spirit of the congregations founder

8 Religious Vows Through the vows men and women are consecrated to God
Dedicated in a solemn, sacred way Committing themselves to community, prayer and service Gift from God Public statements Take three vows: poverty, chastity, obedience Take on a commitment to listen to God’s call to love follow and serve no matter where that may lead

9 Poverty Means having little Have few material possessions
Avoid distractions that come with materials Follow Jesus’ command to share with those in need Committed to live simply and share Reminder that their lives should be like Jesus Goods of the earth are meant for everyone

10 Chastity A promise to to love in a way that frees the religious person to respond to humankind Includes a pledge to celibacy: to abstain from sexual behavior Focus all energies on building the kingdom of God Freedom that comes with chastity is essential Pledge to build community At home At work Urges religious to stay in communication with God Rely on affection and affirmation of God

11 Obedience Comes from Latin root word meaning “to listen”
Pledge to listen to God’s call and what God wills in a particular situation Requires open attitude Respect for God Seen and heard in a variety of ways Members must take initiative to seek the will of God with regard to their service and lifestyle An active searching process

12 3 Types of Religious Congregations
Contemplatives “Going into the hills to pray” Ex: Carmelites, Poor Clares, Trappists, Benedictines Mendicants Beggars Ex: Franciscans, Dominicans (Order of Preachers, OP) Service Congregations Ex: Jesuits (SJ), Daughters of Charity, Marist Brothers

13 Discovering a Call to Religious Life
Positive Signs An attraction to religious life based on proper motives An ability to meet the requirements of religious life Flexibility, physical and intellectual abilities, ability to live as a celibate An inner sense of being called by God to religious life

14 Good Motives vs. Bad Motives
Desire to help those in need Growth in love of God and neighbor Belief that vowed life has meaning in the world Psychological or financial security Desire to escape loneliness

15 Religious Formation The novitiate Professional training Vows

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