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MEET THE TEACHERS Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne Mrs Carter

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1 MEET THE TEACHERS Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne Mrs Carter
Mrs Williams Mrs Carter Mrs Morris Mrs Murace Madame Baikie Mrs A Tizard Mrs White Mrs McGaw French PE Music RE

2 IMPORTANT DAYS TO NOTE Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne
Autumn Term assemblies Elm – Spring 1 Elder – 22nd November Maths Curriculum Evening 26th September 1940s day 27th September Mental Health Day (wear yellow) 10th October Parent consultations 15th and 24th October Radlett United Reform Synagogue 22nd October (am) E-Safety Evening 7th November English Curriculum Evening 28th November Open Class Book 12th December

3 Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne CRABTREE RULES

4 CRABTREE RULES Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne
Showing one another respect and good manners Respecting differences in interests and beliefs Respecting property of others and school Taking turns And more…

5 CRABTREE RULES Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne
Responsibility for own learning Responsibility for own behaviour Responsibility for belongings And more…

6 CRABTREE RULES Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne
Having the right equipment ready for learning. Including PE kit, pencil case Being ready to learn Having the right mindset Having the right work ethic

7 CRABTREE RULES Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne
E-safety – being safe online Safety walking to and from school Playing safely Seeking help when needed Mobile use And more…

8 REWARDS Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne Post cards home Gold tickets
House points Class marbles – reward time

9 CONSEQUENCES Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne
Consequence will match the anti-social behaviour Reflection time with teacher at break time Missed privileges/responsibilities Speak with a member of SLT Meet with parent

10 UNIFORM Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne
Our aim is for the children to take pride in their appearance as well as being comfortable. School uniform blue short sleeved polo shirt* Navy-blue sweatshirt/cardigan* Grey trousers (short or long)/skirt Black shoes (closed toe - not sandals) Trainers can be worn on Fridays Socks and tights should be a plain dark colour, e.g. navy, black or grey. * with school logo In the summer term girls may wear a blue and white gingham or striped dress.

11 Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne

12 Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne Timetable

13 Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne
Year 6 P.E Lessons: Tuesday : Outdoor Games – Football to start – T shirt, fleece, dark skins, shorts/joggers, long navy socks, shin pads and football boots Friday: Gymnastics – shorts and t- shirt Please ensure full kit in school on both days as sometimes changes have to be made. Children will no longer be able to disrupt other classes to borrow kit so please help them be organised.

14 Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne
After School Clubs: 3.15 –4.15pm) Ensure you have signed up with the school Wise Pay system Tuesday – Netball on the courts Wednesday (before school) – Street /Cheer Dance (Apex) Wednesday – Tag Rugby Thursday – Basketball on the courts Thursday (before school) – Yoga Friday – Football on the courts Lunchtimes: Children sign up on the Sports Board – 12.25pm Wednesday – Table Tennis – Elder Classroom Thursday : Cross Country - Field

15 HOMEWORK Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne Date Set Subject Date Due
Thursday English Maths Spelling Tuesday Friday Reading Comprehension or GAPS Every day Reading – minutes at least 5 times per week Discussed by teacher

16 HOMEWORK Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne
Presentation is important. Lined paper should be used for English and squared paper for maths. Paper available from classroom drawers if needed Homework folders – provided by school for children to keep their homework neat and together 30-40 minutes expected per piece. If your child can not complete a piece, please send a note. We understand life can get hectic sometimes!  Preparation for Year 7- deadlines and responsibility Some work will be teacher marked and some peer marked Let us know if your child struggles on something so we can help in school- post it notes please!

17 Monday 11th May – Thursday 13th May
Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne  SATS  Monday 11th May – Thursday 13th May Reading Test - The reading test is a single paper with questions based on three passages of text. Your child will have one hour, including reading time, to complete the test. The grammar, punctuation and spelling test consists of two parts: a grammar and punctuation paper requiring short answers, lasting 45 minutes, and an aural spelling test of 20 words, lasting around 15 minutes. Children sit three papers in maths: Paper 1: arithmetic, 30 minutes Papers 2 and 3: reasoning, 40 minutes per paper Writing – assessed by the teacher against a set of criteria.

18 Monday 11th May – Thursday 13th May
Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne  SATS  Monday 11th May – Thursday 13th May Children are well prepared and it is looked upon as being the same as any other assessment week. Organisation We ensure that all of the areas are covered before the SATs take place. Writing is an on-going assessment throughout the year. Assessments take place during the mornings only.

19 Preparation Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne Our recommendations
Regular reading is vital! Please support us with our culture on work ethic Homework deadlines and organisation are important SATs “busters”: SPAG, maths – optional

20 Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne 5 Steps to Well-Being

21 Parental Contributions
Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne Parental Contributions Thank you - we are most grateful for support providing resources for pencil cases. Please check regularly that these are well stocked for your child. We will send home. On occasion we may ask if you could help by providing a class book. The governors and the SLT are putting together a letter regarding parental contributions and we would again appreciate your support.

22 OPEN DOOR POLICY (after school visits more convenient – 3.15 to 3.30)
Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne OPEN DOOR POLICY (after school visits more convenient – 3.15 to 3.30) s: To office please. Please allow 48 hrs for a response. If urgent, call the office or pop in. 

23 Year 6 Mrs Meredith & Miss Coyne Any questions?

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