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CISC 110 Day 2 Programming Basics.

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Presentation on theme: "CISC 110 Day 2 Programming Basics."— Presentation transcript:

1 CISC 110 Day 2 Programming Basics

2 Outline Comments Data Types Conditional Statements (Branching) Loops
Functions Variable Scope

3 Comments Two Ways to Comment Code: // This is a comment /*
This is a comment spanning multiple lines */ 3 3

4 Data Types Integer (e.g. 5) Number (e.g. 5.5) String (e.g. “Hello!”)
Boolean (true/false) 4 4

5 Comparison Operations
Operators: == (is equal to) != (not equal to) > (greater than) >= (greater than or equal to) < (less than) <= (less than or equal to)

6 Boolean Data Type Example: var x:Boolean; x = (1 == 1); trace(x);
Output: true 6

7 Conditional Statements
if (…something is true…) { …execute these lines of code… } else …else, execute these lines of code… 7

8 Conditional Statements
Example: var x = 10; if(x <= 100) { trace(“Howdy!”); } Output: Howdy! 8

9 Conditional Statements
Example: var x = 100; if(x <= 10) { trace(“Howdy!”);} else { trace(“Heya”);} Output: Heya 9

10 Logical Operators Operators: && (and) e.g. (true && true) == true
(true && false) == false || (or) e.g. (true || false) == true 10

11 Logical Operators Example: var x = 1; var y = 2;
if((x == 1) && (y == 2)) { trace(“Howdy!”); } Output: Howdy! 11

12 While Loop Statement: while (…something is true…) {
…execute these lines of code… }

13 While Loop Example: var x = 1; while(x < 10) { x += 1; } trace(x);
Output: 10 13

14 For Loop Statement: for(…until condition is not true…) {
…execute these lines of code… } 14 14

15 For Loop Example: for(var k = 1; k < 10; k = k + 1) { trace(“!”); }
Output: ! 15

16 For Loop Example: for(var k = 1; k < 10; k++) { trace(“!”); }
Output: ! 16

17 Functions Example: function displayMessage() {
trace(“I\’m in a function!”); } displayMessage(); Output: I’m in a function! 17

18 Function with Argument
Example: function displayMessage(message:String) { trace(message); } displayMessage(“I\’m in a function!”); Output: I’m in a function! 18

19 Function with Arguments
Example: function displayMessage(m1:String, m2:String) { trace(m1+m2); } displayMessage(“Well…”,” Hello…”); Output: Well…Hello… 19

20 Function with Return Value
Example: var s:String = “”; function createMessage(x:String):String { return “Hello “ + x + ”!”; } s = createMessage(“CISC 110”); trace(s); Output: Hello CISC 110! 20

21 Variable Scope Scope means where variables exist, and can therefore be accessed, in a program. Local Variables: Variables defined inside a function only exist within that function. They are created when the function starts executing and are destroyed when it finishes. Global Variables: Variables defined outside of a function exist everywhere after they’re defined, except inside a function with a duplicate variable name. 21

22 Variable Scope Example: var s:String = “”;
function createMessage(x:String) { return “Hello “ + x + ”!”; } s = createMessage(“CISC 110”); trace(x); Output: undefined 22

23 Null null: A variable can be assigned to the value “null” (e.g. var x = null;). undefined: Variables should not be assigned to the value “undefined” – this is the value automatically assigned to variables that have not been assigned to any other value. 23

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