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English 10 - 6/3/19 Do you think you will ever fall in love and have a family? Why or why not? What are your biggest fears? What are the biggest benefits?

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Presentation on theme: "English 10 - 6/3/19 Do you think you will ever fall in love and have a family? Why or why not? What are your biggest fears? What are the biggest benefits?"— Presentation transcript:

1 English /3/19 Do you think you will ever fall in love and have a family? Why or why not? What are your biggest fears? What are the biggest benefits? Why was the metal wire so upset? Jeeter – an ill mannered slob Goals – Examine the characters: Beatrice, Benedick, Claudio, and Hero. Discuss what they show us about love, marriage, and fear. Homework – Check daily works to maximize points for tomorrow. He was getting all bent out of shape over nothing.

2 English 10 - 6/4/19 Write on a subject of your choice.
A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to the hospital. When his grandma called to ask how he was the nurse said, “No change yet.” Lickpenny – a greedy, miserly person. Goals – Watch video. Homework – Extra Credit stuff? Dailies?

3 English 10 – 6/5/2019 What is there to learn from Much Ado About Nothing? When cannibals ate a missionary they got a small taste of religion. Herkel – a drip. Goals – Extra credit, “Go Girls.” Watch video. Discuss how the world is changing for relationships between men and women. Homework – None.

4 English /6/19 Why is Shakespeare worth spending time on in an English Class? What did the peanut butter say to the bread? What did the bread respond? Quetcher – a constant complainer; a bother. Goals – Successfully complete the Much Ado About Nothing . Sort your English 10 Folder. Finish Much Ado About Nothing. Homework – None. Quit loafing around. You’re nuts!

5 English 10 - What do you plan to do over the weekend? Are you ready for Monday? You are stuck with your debt if you cannot budge it. Jacksauce – a rude and saucy person. Goals – Finalize your adaptations and NLRs. Presentations Monday; be ready. Homework – Vocab Final Retake on today after school. Don’t pay the water bill.

6 English Let the presentations begin!
A hole has been found in the nudist colony fence. The police have been looking into it. Noil – a piece or knot of short hair or fiber. Goal – Successfully complete as many presentations as possible. Homework – none.

7 English Let’s get cracking on those presentations!
He broke into a song because he couldn’t find the key. Piff – something that is insignificant, a trifle. Goal – Successfully complete as many presentations as possible. Homework – none.

8 English 10 Let’s finish these presentations!
When you have seen one shopping center you have seen a mall. Battology – excessive repetition in speech or writing. Goal – Successfully complete as many presentations as possible. Homework – none.

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