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Airport and Heliport AIXM 5 RC2

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Presentation on theme: "Airport and Heliport AIXM 5 RC2"— Presentation transcript:

1 Airport and Heliport AIXM 5 RC2
We discuss how AIXM models Airports and Heliports. We cite several UML examples of AIXM features for these AIM components.

2 Airport and Heliport KATL Airport environment: Airport Facilities
Runway Taxiway Lighting Markings Apron Surface Contamination Helicopter Surfaces Airport Facilities AIXM models all aspects of the Airport and Heliport environment: Runway Taxiway Lighting Markings Apron Surface Contamination Helicopter Surfaces There is an additional feature dedicated to modelling Airport and Heliport Facilities KATL

3 AirportHeliport AIXM Feature
Models generic attributes

4 AirportHeliport

5 Airport Heliport Usage

6 Runway

7 Aeropista Runway

8 Superficie Surface Characteristics

9 Runway Direction

10 Runway Operational Points

11 Surface Contamination

12 Runway Surface Contamination

13 Runway Surface Contamination

14 Taxiway

15 Markings These apply to: AirportHeliport Runway Taxiway Other features

16 Some Markings Associations and their Datatypes

17 Helicopter Touch-down and Lift-off

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