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Best Practices for Sponsoring A New Club

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Presentation on theme: "Best Practices for Sponsoring A New Club"— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Practices for Sponsoring A New Club
Presenters: Katrina Baranko and Phil Rossy

2 Topics of Session Responsibilities of the Sponsoring Club
Benefits for the New Club and Your Club

3 Why Not? Why Open New Clubs?

4 The Need for Sponsoring Clubs
Support Mentoring Assist with projects Nurture

5 Responsibilities of Sponsoring Club
Assist Club Opener Conduct Inter-clubs Assist Club Coach Help plan the first Service Project Monitor for at least one year Provide 2 dual members (Suggested)

6 Benefits of a New Club The opportunity to re-invigorate a Division, Clubs and Members Strengthens the Division overall Provides the opportunity to develop new leaders Succession planning for new club

7 Benefits of a New Club A new beginning in your community with:
Starting a new Signature Project which will bring meaning to the community Speaks to our mission, vision and values as an organization

8 Why start a new Club? The chance to bring new energy, ideas and opportunities to the community The sponsoring club provides coaches to mentor and guide the new clubs’ leaders and members New opportunities for growth with younger, more active members

9 Success Stories The Kiwanis Club of Lac St. Jean-est
The Kiwanis Club of Kanata- Stittsville The Kiwanis Club of St. Thomas, ON

10 What effect a new club can have to your Division
Re-invigorates a Division – examples Opportunity for membership growth & retention Get’s folks out of their “comfort zone”

11 What effect a new club can have to your Division
New leadership can’t be over emphasized What’s the answer to this? Tried and true stories….. The need to replace older, ageing out clubs

12 Questions?? Answers and examples…

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