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Upcoming, Important Dates:

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Presentation on theme: "Upcoming, Important Dates:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Upcoming, Important Dates:
03/06/2019 Upcoming, Important Dates: Add these dates to your agenda, if they apply to you: Friday (03/08) – Vocabulary Quiz Sunday (03/10) – Daylight Savings (Spring Forward) Go get your breakfast NOW. Do not wait. Turn in any signed paperwork to the homeroom bin. If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. HOMEROOM = SILENCE

2 Language Arts – Warm Up 03/06/19
Summarizing First, submit your work from this week: “World Wide Web of Hurt” P.S.A. Reflection HOLD ON TO “Ancient Greece” UNTIL THE END OF CLASS, THEN SUBMIT IT TODAY. Then, read and complete today’s assignment, “The Storm”.

3 Language Arts – Work Session 03/06/19
Essential Question: How can I understand the process of research, including the importance of using credible sources and citing sources to avoid plagiarism?  How can I apply an understanding of sources, citation, and credibility through discussion, note-taking, and research? Standard: ELA.GASE.W.6.4 – Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

4 Language Arts – Work Session 03/06/19
D.O.K. Question Stems First, cut out these four boxes and glue them to pages in your I.A.N. Don’t forget to add the title, date, and writing Strategies T.O.C. entry! Task: Using these question stems, come up with at least THREE questions about your chosen controversial topic that can be answered through research. At least one source must be from Cobb Digital Library. Write your questions on I.A.N. p. 139. Also write the answers and the URL on I.A.N. p. 139. Note: Your questions CANNOT have a yes or no answer. They must be answered through research and your sources must be credible based on our previous lesson on credible sources from Mrs. Chaney. NO WIKIPEDIA!

5 Language Arts – Work Session 03/06/19
The Research Process Which of the following topics will you research? Bullying Discrimination Gaming Animal cruelty Technology Cyberbullying School safety Recess More school events Endangered species You will research this topic this week.

6 Language Arts – Work Session 03/04/19
Vocabulary List, Definitions and Sentences Using S.B. p. 166, add both the academic vocabulary and literary terms to your handout. There are 17 words total. Then, define them and create a sentence using each word. You should already have all definitions in your I.A.N. You will have a vocabulary quiz on Friday! Use this as your study guide. This sheet will also be due on Friday.

7 Language Arts – Closing Session 03/06/19
Read You should start a new book today, if you have not already done so. Homework: Read! Check your Student Vue account! Finish any incomplete work from today.

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