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Increasing research interest in marine sponge-microorganism associations. Increasing research interest in marine sponge-microorganism associations. (A)

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Presentation on theme: "Increasing research interest in marine sponge-microorganism associations. Increasing research interest in marine sponge-microorganism associations. (A)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Increasing research interest in marine sponge-microorganism associations.
Increasing research interest in marine sponge-microorganism associations. (A) Number of publications retrieved from the ISI Web of Science database by using the following search string: (sponge* or porifera* or demospong* or sclerospong* or hexactinellid*) and (bacteri* or prokaryot* or microbe* or microbial or microorganism* or cyanobacteri* or archaeon or archaea* or crenarchaeo* or fung* or diatom* or dinoflagellate* or zooxanthella*) not (surgery or surgical). (B) Number of sponge-derived 16S rRNA gene sequences deposited in GenBank per year. The 2006 value includes the 184 sequences submitted to GenBank from this article. The search string used to recover sequences was as follows: (sponge* or porifera*) and (16S* or ssu* or rRNA*) not (18S* or lsu* or large subunit or mitochondri* or 23S* or 5S* or 5.8S* or 28S* or crab* or alga* or mussel* or bivalv* or crustacea*). Michael W. Taylor et al. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 2007; doi: /MMBR

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