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The IET Faraday Challenge Day

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Presentation on theme: "The IET Faraday Challenge Day"— Presentation transcript:

1 The IET Faraday Challenge Day
Smart Cycle 9.15 am Notes: As students arrive, get them to fill out Team Registration form and check they have 150 Faradays. 9.30am (2 minutes) SCRIPT: Welcome to the IET Faraday Challenge Day. My name is xxxx and I will be your Challenge Leader today. Before we get started School introductions, Health and Safety/Housekeeping – by school contact. Today is a STEM challenge – does anyone know what STEM stands for? Elicit responses from students or tell them: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths – today you will be using knowledge and skills from all of these subjects. Today you are no longer students you are teams of engineers and there is a very important problem which you are required to solve! Explore engineering careers at

2 “The application of knowledge to the needs of humanity”
What is engineering? “The application of knowledge to the needs of humanity” 9.32 am 3 minutes SCRIPT: But before you can be engineers we need to know what engineers do! Ask the students the question ‘What is engineering?’ and ‘What in this room has an engineer been involved in the creation of?’ *It is up to the CL which are used based on the responses of the students and the time available.* On click - Engineering is the application of knowledge to the needs of humanity! Engineers use science and mathematics along with creativity, language and design skills to create things which help people. On click – (pictures appear) – There are many different areas of engineering. All require creativity and innovative problem-solving. Engineering use their knowledge and ideas to come up with new products or adapt existing products. They challenge themselves. So now we know what it takes to be an engineer, it is time to set you your challenge… Explore engineering careers at

3 Context 9.35 am 3 minutes Play intro video
Explore engineering careers at

4 Re-cap of your Challenge
Design an electronic circuit which communicates information to cyclists - This could be a very simple circuit or a complex circuit using a breadboard. Design a Beacon to house all or parts of your circuit -Blueprints have been provided but you could always create your own from scratch. Present your design to the Smart Cycle group – you need to consider how best to sell your product. 09:38am (2 mins) NOTES: The two parts of the challenge are animated to appear on a click so that they are highlighted individually instead of them appearing together. SCRIPT: Now is your chance to develop something new and make a difference! To improve cycle routes throughout the UK we need smarter communication with cyclists along cycle routes, cyclists to be able to clearly see route markers even in the dark and have access to up-to-date information about weather conditions and route conditions. Today you are making a prototype, does anyone know what I mean when I say prototype? – Not the finished product, trying ideas out to see if they work. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work, as an engineer this is as important as building something which does work. You will need to design and build a Beacon that will be positioned along a cycle route and will give passing cyclists information – *emphasis on the fact that the Beacon will be on the ground not the bike* You will also need to design and construct an electric circuit that will communicate information to cyclists as they pass the Beacon, this could very simply be a light which shows the cyclists the way in the dark or a complex circuit which reacts to a change in light or temperature - *useful to have props e.g. wires and a breadboard to illustrate the points made here* Your beacon will need a case that will house the electronics, to do this you will be using 3D design software and printers. There are blueprints in the shop - these are just templates and you will need to adapt them after you have bought them or you could design your Beacon from scratch. How your team approach this challenge is completely up to you…It is up to you as a team to identify the information that cyclists require and how it is best to communicate this to them as they pass your Beacon. You will need to decide what your Beacon is going to tell the cyclists on the route and then you will need to design and build the Beacon to do this. Explore engineering careers at

5 The Challenge What does your team need to do?
Identify the key information that cyclists need when they are on a cycle route. Decide what information you are going to communicate and how you are going to communicate it. Use 3D design software and a 3D printer to design and build a prototype Beacon which will house your electronics. Design and construct an electronic circuit which can communicate with cyclists. Consider how best to encourage Smart Cycle group to take on your design. 09:40am 3 mins NOTES: The bullet points are animated so that each one appears on a click to emphasis each part of the challenge rather than all of the information appearing at once. SCRIPT: Run through bullet points emphasising the different aspects of the challenge. Explore engineering careers at

6 Today's goal is to present and test your prototype Beacon
The Final Test Today's goal is to present and test your prototype Beacon 5 minutes Present your prototype to the judges explaining how you arrived at your design. Show the judges how your prototype works. 09:43am SCRIPT: You will need to present your design to the Smartcycle group at 14:10. This is a competition. Each person will have a certificate to show they took part in the day (give to teachers to write names out). Explore engineering careers at

7 Marking criteria Planning and research Development of prototype
Accounting Quality of prototype Function of prototype Presentation Teamwork 09:45am 1 mins SCRIPT: You will be scored on all of your work today, it isn’t just about your finished product, it is also about how you arrive at your prototype ideas and how you evaluate your prototypes and teamwork. The marking criteria can be found in your Team Brief so it is a good idea to have a look at this to see how you can score marks. Explore engineering careers at

8 Tools to help you STEM knowledge and skills Be brave! The Shop
Limited resources Budget 150 Faradays Spend wisely! STEM Consultant Expensive but there if you need expert advice SCRIPT: STEM knowledge and skills - Engineers are problem-solvers. They rely on science, maths, technology and design to be successful. Engineers challenge themselves so that they can create something new. Think about what you already know and how this knowledge can be applied creatively today! This isn’t just knowledge you have gained at school think about all of the activities you are involved in, think about your hobbies and what you have learnt from these. Be brave in your ideas – we will reward those who challenge themselves. Shop - Purchase materials you will need to build your prototype. Supplies are limited. You can negotiate on price but you can only sell back to the shop for half price. Details of what is available to buy are in your Student Handbook. Budget - Keep accurate records of your purchases. You need to know that the only time the amount you spend comes into play is when there are two teams with the same points. The one who has spent the least will win. You should not compromise the effectiveness of your designs in order to save money. Check where you will need to spend your Faradays – the print time, materials etc. You will need to keep a record of your spending on the accounts sheet on your table and submit this when the shop closes. STEM consultant - You can purchase consultancy time but consultants do not make your prototype or come up with initial ideas. Explore engineering careers at

9 Tools to help you Inspiration Station
Use it to inspire you but not to copy! Information booklet On your desk – guides, hints and tips for the software and electronics you will be using. Electronics Video Tutorials On all laptops – to help you decide how to design and create your circuit. Smart Cycle Team Brief Contains all the information you need to succeed including how to score points! SCRIPT: Inspiration Station - Help get the creative ideas flowing by visiting the inspiration station. Info booklets – Booklets are on your table. This contains information about the software you will be using and the blueprints available for use today. Tutorials- These are preloaded onto the laptops to help you with your circuit design. All of the tutorials can be found in the ‘Tutorials’ folder on the desktop of each laptop. Engineering team brief - Contains all the key information which you will require to be successful. Keep referring to it. Don’t forget that you are in a competition – all the information about how to score points is in the student brief! Explore engineering careers at

10 Tips for working safely
1. Do not use mains electricity sources to power your Beacon! 2. Keep your work station tidy (including the floor around it). 3. Be careful when using the 3D printers as they get very hot. 4. Be careful when moving around the room as there may be cables. 5. Report any spillages, accidents or potential hazards to the Challenge Leader or STEM Consultant immediately. Do not take food or drink near laptops or printers. 6. If your circuit does not work take the wires off the battery immediately and check your circuit. You may have a short circuit which can make the wires get very hot. 09:47am 2 mins Notes: Go through the tips for safe working! Explore engineering careers at

11 Role allocation You have 5 minutes to:
Allocate each team member a specific role using the job specifications sheets on your table. Read your own job specification once allocated. Fill in your name card. 09:50am 5 minutes SCRIPT: In real life, engineers work in teams and their ability to work well as a team is key to their success. Today, you are going to take on real–life engineering roles to experience what it is like to be part of a problem solving team. There is no time to lose so you have 5 minutes to allocate roles, fill out name tags and attach to the lanyards on your table. Think about the skills you all have and how they are best used for the good of your team. Notes: Give 1 minute warning. Explore engineering careers at

12 Stages Stage 1 – Identifying the problem Stage 2 – Design and budget to solve the problem Stage 3 – Development and build Stage 4 – Final build and initial testing Stage 5 – Preparing your presentation 09:54am 1 mins SCRIPT: There are many stages to the challenge today – as a team make sure you know what needs to be done and by when so that you are ready to present and test at 2pm this afternoon. Look in the Smart Cycle Student Brief for the schedule of the day. Don’t worry – you do get a morning working break at for 10 minutes and lunchtime is from until 1.00! Explore engineering careers at

13 Identifying the problem you are going to solve
STAGE 1: Identifying the problem you are going to solve 09:55am Explore engineering careers at

14 8 minutes 6 minutes 9 minutes 7 minutes 5 minutes 1 minute 3 minutes
Brainstorming You have 10 minutes to think about: What do cyclists need to know when they are cycling? How could a Beacon give them this information? 8 minutes 6 minutes 9 minutes 7 minutes 5 minutes 1 minute 3 minutes 4 minutes Time is up 10 minutes 2 minutes 09:55am 10 mins SCRIPT: Before we can solve the problem we need to identify the problem! Come up with as many ideas for different information that you think would be useful for a cyclist to have when out riding. Record these ideas on the front page of your planning and reflection sheet and then think about how your Beacon could communicate this information to the cyclist. You only have 10 minutes to do this so work quickly! (the timer will countdown on the slide) Notes: Give them 5 minute warning at 10:00. Explore engineering careers at

15 STAGE 2: Design and Budget
10.05 am SCRIPT: You are going to be designing and constructing, within budget, both your circuit and your Beacon. Explore engineering careers at

16 Beacon Blueprints 10.05 am - 5 mins SCRIPT:
Your circuit will be designed and construct completely from scratch by your team, especially your electronic engineers. The 3D design and print engineers will be using these laptops which have design software on them to design your Beacon which will then be printed at our print station. There are instructions in your info booklets on your tables and there are also tutorials available in the software to help you use the design software. Your team name refers to the material colour that your Beacon will be printed in. Note that you can not print in a clear material today. There are two ways to tackle this part of your challenge: You can create your Beacon design from scratch, exactly how you would like to. Just make sure that you read the information in your Team Brief about the size limitations of your prototype Beacon. You will not need to purchase a prototype Beacon to do this, you can just begin drawing in the software. You could use a prototype Beacon design to begin the design process. These have the correct outer dimensions but may need you to adapt them to fit your specific circuit and ideas. What is a blueprint? It is a plan, an engineering design! There are three levels of prototype blueprint, all of which will need to be personalised by your team to fit your complete circuit: *click* Basic – within the size limitations, will fit a small breadboard in the centre – will need adapting to house your complete circuit *click* Standard – within the size imitations, will fit a small breadboard in the centre and has a more appealing aesthetic than the basic design *click* Advanced – within the size imitations, will fit a small breadboard in the centre, is good looking and has holes in the body for electronic components to be visible to the outside world, you could design or electronic to fit exactly with this Beacon without modifying the body if you are clever! You have copies of these prototypes in your info packs. Take a look at these and think about how they are similar and how they different. How would you need to adapt these blueprints to suit your ideas? It is up to you to decide which way to proceed with you design. You can have a go at designing your Beacon yourself and you can always purchase a blueprint later if you need the assistance then. Marks will be awarded for creativity, your justification of your choices and your ability to challenge yourself so think carefully about how you approach this part of your challenge. Make sure that whichever route you take you communicate with all of the members in your group. Think about the size of your electronic circuit, which components need to be housed inside your Beacon? How will you access the inside of your Beacon? Working together will ensure that you succeed today. Explore engineering careers at

17 Design You have 15 minutes to:
Choose the information you want to communicate. Brainstorm design ideas for the housing for your circuit. Choose the prototype idea to develop into your Beacon. Start planning what materials you need to purchase. Complete Stage 1 and 2 reflections – don’t forget to fill out team colour and name. These will be marked at 11.00 Project Managers – please hand in your team registration form to the Challenge Leader now. 10.10 am 15 mins SCRIPT: You now have 15 minutes to choose the prototype idea to develop into your Beacon – what information are you going to communicate to the cyclists? How are you going to communicate it? You can browse the shop but you cannot buy anything yet and you cannot touch anything. Accountants - Start planning what materials you need to purchase – what is your most cost effective idea? The shop will open in 15 minutes so be ready with your shopping list. Project Managers - Complete stage 1 reflections. These are really important as they will remind you of the process you went through so you can talk about this in your final presentation. I will be marking these after the break. Print Engineers - I need to see you over by the print station to give you some very important information. Go! Explore engineering careers at

18 STAGE 3: Development 10.25 am Notes:
During Stage 3 look at the prototype & planning sheet to mark Stage 1 and 2 reflections for Planning and Research mark. Talk to teams to understand their ideas where necessary. Remember it is not about neatness but ideas so get them to explain where necessary. Explore engineering careers at

19 Development SHOP OPEN FOR BUSINESS Purchasing period – the Accountant may buy the materials needed. 3D design and print engineers please come to the design station for a briefing. Electronics engineers and project managers please be ready to come for a briefing when called by the Challenge Leader. 10.30 am 1 hour plus 10 mins break which you can work through. SCRIPT: Shop open for business! In this session you need to buy all the materials you need and can afford. You don’t have to buy them all at once, if you need something later you can come back and buy it (as long as the shop is still open). Work quickly and smartly. Project Managers, you should be aware that the shop will close at 1.30 p.m. and your team will not be allowed to work on your solution during the lunch period (12.30 – 1.00). Accountant – Only the Accountant can purchase materials and they must keep a record of expenses. They can take one person with them to help carry materials but only these two people from your team may visit the shop. If more people from your team are at the shop you will be banned from the shop for 15 minutes. 3D Design Engineers and Print engineers go for briefing – see briefing page. Electronic Engineers and Project Managers – Brief once design briefing is done – see briefing page. Explore engineering careers at

20 10 minute break 11.10-11.20 am SCRIPT:
This is a working break so you may continue to work on your prototypes if you wish. Keep food and drink away from the laptops and printers please! Explore engineering careers at

21 Re-group! How are you all getting on?
Have any changes to the original design been made? Has your prototype addressed the design considerations? How do the two elements (Beacon and electronics) work together? What do you need to complete this afternoon? 11.20 am 10 minutes to regroup then continued building/development for minutes. SCRIPT: Communication is very important for engineers and they will often take time during projects to regroup and discuss the progress that has been made and where they need to go to move forward. This next stage is really important in making your solution is the best. Take 10 minutes to regroup as a team and tell each other how you have been getting on, has your design changed while you have been working? Does it need improving? Have you been taking into account time and weight considerations? Is it as cost effective as it could be? Think about how you can gain marks in the assessment process by working together to problem solve and improve your initial ideas. Project Manager – Are all members of your team involved in development and on track to complete? If not you need to let them know and help them if they need it. Remember the print deadline – design engineers need to have handed the 3D Design to the print engineer for checking and sending to print by 12.20pm at the latest – otherwise you will not be able to print your design. Explore engineering careers at

22 3D Printing 12.20 pm (if time allows) 5 minutes SCRIPT:
Information to be given to all students about 3D printing. Talk to the teams about how 3D printing is used – currently a new form of technology. Not available for all households but they are becoming cheaper to manufacture and use. Revolutionising manufacture. Print individual components quickly and cheaply. Examples of 3D printing: The GB cycling team had 3D printed helmets in 2012 ‘Team Great Britain’ has an edge above other teams, at least in cycling, thanks to 3D printing. UK Sport and British Cycling commissioned the design and production of custom cycling helmets, bespoke to each Olympic cyclist. Using laser scanning and 3D printing technology, the helmets were designed and prototyped in no time. Medicine – Printing bones and joints. Jewellery and many other applications. Right you now need to go back to your team tables and tidy up so that we are ready for lunch. Explore engineering careers at

23 Tools down – Take a 30 minute break
Lunch Tools down – Take a 30 minute break 12.30 – pm Notes: Ask students to sit away from their tables if they are remaining in the room for lunch. Explore engineering careers at

24 STAGE 4: Final build and initial testing
13.00 pm Explore engineering careers at

25 Stage 4 Collect your Beacon as soon as you are asked to do so.
Begin combining the electronics and the Beacon shell to produce your final prototype. Pay for your print costs and s ell back any unused materials to the shop before it closes. Complete final reflections and prepare for 5 minute presentation. Remember to look at the assessment criteria! 13.00 pm 30 mins SCRIPT: Remember that you are working together as a team of engineers. Think about the engineering role you have taken on - what skills, knowledge and understanding you are using. This is where all your hard work needs to come together and you really need to work as a team. Your roles: What are your priorities for the next 30 minutes? Project Manager – Know the plan and the stages needed. Prepare presentation and practice it with your team. Accountant – Check the budget and sell back any unwanted goods to the shop. Pay the shop for your print costs. Make sure your accountants sheet is ready to hand in at 1.30. Print Engineers – Collect your printed Beacon when asked to do so by myself or a teacher. All engineers – Prepare to move your prototypes and know how they work! Explore engineering careers at

26 Shop, cutting and gluing station now closed!
Tools down! Shop, cutting and gluing station now closed! Accountants – Submit your accounts to the shop manager with any remaining Faradays. Return any equipment to the shop. Finalise reflections for presentation. Prepare for final demonstration. 13.30 pm 15 minutes SCRIPT: The shop is now shut. Accountants please submit your completed accounts sheet and any remaining Faradays to the shop manager. You have 30 minutes to: Finalise your presentation and ensure everyone knows their role. Notes: Get finance sheet from Shopkeeper to check against accounting sheets. Mark accounts sheet. Check final amount against remaining Faradays and shop accounts for accuracy. Explore engineering careers at

27 Presentations and final test
STAGE 5: Presentations and final test 14.00 pm Explore engineering careers at

28 Presentations and Final Test
Project Managers need to submit their teams presentation on a USB stick to the Challenge Leader now. Use your team colour as the file name for your presentations when saving it. 14:00 pm Teams need to submit their presentations so that they can be loaded onto the main laptop for projection. CL may need to go round to the tables to collect the presentation on a memory stick. Let the students know that once you have taken the presentation they cannot make any changes to it but they can practice it. 14:10 pm Ask students to bring their chairs to the front to make a semi-circle behind the judging table. Make sure that they bring their script and Beacon with them. Explore engineering careers at

29 Presentations and Final Test
5 minutes - Teams present their Beacon to the judges. We will cut you off if you go over time! 14:15 pm SCRIPT: Testing is fun. There may be problems or issues with prototypes but it is important to be relaxed! Remember we are marking on a number of different things and the competition is not won or lost on the performance of the prototypes. Run through how the presentations will work e.g. numerical order, once the previous team has finished – round of applause and then the next team can stand up and get ready, there can be questions if we have time. We will cut you off if you go over the time. Explore engineering careers at

30 Judging in progress 14:45 Notes:
Collect all work for judging – include planning and reflections booklet plus any additional work. Judging time. Students go back to their tables and fill in the evaluation sheets and tie up lanyards. All batteries and battery holders to be returned to the shop along with anything else they do not wish to keep. Explore engineering careers at

31 And the winner is... 14:50 Explore engineering careers at

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