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Supplementary Table 2. Antibodies and conditions used for the IHC studies.

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Presentation on theme: "Supplementary Table 2. Antibodies and conditions used for the IHC studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supplementary Table 1. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the analyzed patients

2 Supplementary Table 2. Antibodies and conditions used for the IHC studies.

3 Supplementary Table 3. List of immune-related genes analyzed by Low Density Array

4 Supplementary Figure S1. Gating and data analysis strategy.

5 PBL RIL TIL CD4+ T cells CD8+ T cells Supplementary Figure S2. CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell differentiation in ccRCC TIL, and autologous PBL and RIL Supplementary Figure 1

6 Supplementary Figure S3
Supplementary Figure S3. Gap statistics according to the possible number of clusters of TIL phenotype. Optimal cut-off according to firstSEmax method (R package: cluster) is displayed (dotted line).

7 Supplementary Figure S4. PCA analysis including RIL and TIL phenotype
Supplementary Figure S4. PCA analysis including RIL and TIL phenotype. TIL clusters are displayed.

8 Supplementary Figure S5. Tumor size according to TIL clusters.

9 CD40L CD69 CTLA-4 Naïve CM EM GITR ICOS Lag-3 PD-1 Tim-3 CD38 EMRA
C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3 Supplementary Figure S6. Percentages of CD4+TIL expressing AM and InR according to tumor clusters. C1, Cluster1; C2, Cluster2; C3, Cluster3.

10 CD38 CD69 GITR ICOS Naïve CM EM EMRA Lag-3 PD-1 Tim-3 C1 C2 C3
Supplementary Figure S7. Percentages of CD8+TIL expressing AM and InR according to tumor clusters. C1, Cluster1; C2, Cluster2; C3, Cluster3.

11 Supplementary Figure S8
Supplementary Figure S8. Clonality Index and frequency of top 15 clonotypes in CD8+PD-1+ TIL according to tumor clusters. C1, Cluster1; C2, Cluster2; C3, Cluster3.

12 ** * P value C1vs.C3 C2vs.C3 C1vs.C2 *** Supplementary Figure S9. Corrected P values for the differential gene expression between TIL clusters. Only significant P values are displayed. *P<0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < C1, Cluster1; C2, Cluster2; C3, Cluster3.

13 Supplementary Figure S10
Supplementary Figure S10. Correlation matrix including TLS-related genes and immune cells densities in Immune-activated and Immune-regulated tumors.

14 CD40L CD69 CTLA-4 Naïve CM EM GITR ICOS Lag-3 PD-1 Tim-3 CD38 EMRA
ccRCC ccRCC ccRCC ccRCC ccRCC ccRCC ccRCC ccRCC ccRCC ccRCC ccRCC ccRCC ccRCC Supplementary Figure S11. Percentages of CD4+PBL expressing differentiation markers, AM and InR in healthy controls (HC) and ccRCC-bearing patients.

15 CD38 CD69 GITR ICOS Naïve CM EM EMRA Lag-3 PD-1 Tim-3
ccRCC ccRCC ccRCC ccRCC ccRCC ccRCC ccRCC ccRCC ccRCC ccRCC ccRCC Supplementary Figure S12. Percentages of CD8+PBL expressing differentiation markers, AM and InR in HC and ccRCC-bearing patients.

16 CD40L CD69 CTLA-4 Naïve CM EM GITR ICOS Lag-3 PD-1 Tim-3 CD38 EMRA
PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B Supplementary Figure S13. Percentages of CD4+PBL expressing differentiation markers, AM and InR according to PBL Clusters.

17 CD38 CD69 GITR ICOS Naïve CM EM EMRA Lag-3 PD-1 Tim-3
PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B PBL-A PBL-B Supplementary Figure S14. Percentages of CD8+PBL expressing differentiation markers, AM and InR according to PBL Clusters.

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