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TERMS AND CONDITIONS   These PowerPoint slides are a tool for lecturers, and as such: YOU MAY add content to the slides, delete content from the slides,

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1 TERMS AND CONDITIONS These PowerPoint slides are a tool for lecturers, and as such: YOU MAY add content to the slides, delete content from the slides, print out the slides, and save the slides onto your computer or server. YOU MAY NOT resell, reproduce or redistribute the content in any form whatsoever, without prior written permission from the copyright holder. © Troupant Publishers (Pty) Ltd, 2016 Selected images used under licence from

2 Personnel Management N4

3 Human resources planning
Module 2

4 The human resources function
Unit 2.1

5 Personnel department objectives
Recruitment. Compensation and benefits. Training and development, and performance. Employee relations. Figure 2.1: Ensuring safety in the workplace is an essential objective of the personnel department

6 The personnel manager’s tasks
Recruitment Identify unfilled positions and recruit, interview and select. Carry out the induction process. Inform new employees. Retrench or fire employees when necessary. Figure 2.2: Part of the personnel manager’s work is interviewing job seekers and carrying out performance appraisals

7 The personnel manager’s tasks
Compensation and benefits Manage the compensation, benefits, and performance management systems. Analyse the compensation and benefit schemes.

8 The personnel manager’s tasks
Training and development, and performance Identify training and development needs. Create relevant training and development programmes. Set measurable outcomes for the programmes. Set performance standards and conduct performance appraisals. Organise training for the employees.

9 The personnel manager’s tasks
Employee relations Advise managers on the organisation’s policies. Advise managers on government laws and regulations. Act as a link between management and employees. Deal with disputes. Handle disciplinary procedures.

10 Activity 2.1 (Pairs activity)
Test your knowledge of this section by completing Activity (page 60 of your Student’s Book)

11 The personnel manager’s authority as a staff role
A staff manager usually has one of four kinds of authority: Advice authority. Compulsory advice authority. Concurrent authority. Functional authority.

12 VIDEO: Matching the right person with the right task

13 Activity 2.2 (Individual activity)
Test your knowledge of this section by completing Activity (page 61 of your Student’s Book)

14 The personnel department’s activities
Four main categories Providing human resources to the organisation. Maintaining the human resources. Developing the human resources. Utilising the human resources.

15 The personnel department’s activities
Human resources provision HR planning. Job analysis. Recruitment. Selection and staffing. Placement. Incorporation.

16 The personnel department’s activities
Human resources maintenance Orientation. Workplace conditions. Motivation. Compensation administration. Employee–management relations.

17 The personnel department’s activities
Human resources development Performance appraisals and organising training. Give feedback to employees about their performance. Trains the managers to carry out the appraisals. Following up on the appraisals. Figure 2.4: Personnel managers assist in doing performance appraisals

18 The personnel department’s activities
Human resources utilisation Understanding the employees. Helping them to reach their full potential. Addressing their areas of weakness. Maintaining their motivation. Coordinating them with its other resources.

19 The personnel department’s activities
Figure 2.5: Flexible work hours are an example of a non-financial benefit Figure 2.6: A company that fully utilises its employees has the best chance of success

20 Activity 2.3 (Individual activity)
Test your knowledge of this section by completing Activity (page 64 of your Student’s Book)

21 Human resources planning and projections
Unit 2.2

22 Reasons for human resources planning
Making sure that the company has enough qualified, capable, and skilled employees to carry out its objectives. Figure 2.7: It is always preferable for an organisation to act proactively

23 Reasons for human resources planning
Other reasons for HR planning It allows organisations to be proactive, rather than reactive. It allows companies to find suitable candidates. It saves money for the company. It helps to raise employee morale. It encourages employees to remain loyal to the organisation.

24 VIDEO: Dealing with a crisis

25 Activity 2.4 (Group activity)
Test your knowledge of this section by completing Activity 2.4 (page 66 of your Student’s Book)

26 The process of human resource planning
HR planning process is made up of four main steps: Exploring the environments. Determining how many employees the company will need in future. Analysing how many employees the company currently has. Balancing the demand with the supply.

27 Exploring the environments
The state of the economy. Technological developments. Competitor behaviour. Labour market rules and trends. The unemployment rate. The types of skills offered by people who are currently looking for jobs. The organisation’s short-term and long-term goals and strategies. The current state of the organisation’s human resources.

28 Demand – determining the need for human resources
Methods of forecasting HR demand The top-down approach. The bottom-up approach. The participative approach. Figure 2.9: Advertising in newspapers can help to speed up the recruitment process

29 Supply – analysing the availability of employees and job seekers
Internal sourcing benefits: The company already has a record of the employee. The employee is likely to know what the new position involves. The employee will be working with people whom he or she already knows.

30 Supply – analysing the availability of employees and job seekers
External sourcing benefits The organisation can secure the suitable number and appropriate kind of employees. External employees will bring new and fresh ideas and approaches to the organisation.

31 Balancing the demand with the supply
A comparison of the demand and the supply can result in one of three situations: The demand and the supply are exactly the same. There is a deficit of employees. There is a surplus of employees. Figure 2.10: Organisations aim to achieve balance by having the right number and type of employees to work towards meeting their goals

32 Figure 2.11: The four main steps in the ongoing process of HR planning

33 Activity 2.5 (Pairs activity)
Test your knowledge of this section by completing Activity 2.5 (page 69 of your Student’s Book)

34 Factors that influence human resources planning
Budgets. Incorrect information, analyses, or projections. Competition. Figure 2.13: The HR department must work within the budgets of other departments in the organisation when hiring employees

35 Factors that influence human resources planning
Changes in the environments Legal policy changes (external). Technological developments (external). Employee attitudes and morale (internal). Current and projected growth (internal). Figure 2.14: Software developments directly affect the demand for human resources

36 Factors that influence human resources planning
Other factors that can influence HR planning The organisation’s goals and objectives (internal). The nature of the particular task (internal). Negotiations with unions (external). Governmental laws and regulations (external). The state of the economy (external).

37 VIDEO: Controlling people who are going through a tough time

38 Summative assessment Test your knowledge of this section by completing the Summative assessment (page 72 of your Student’s Book)

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