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Kawatiri FMU Group August 2019 Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Kawatiri FMU Group August 2019 Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kawatiri FMU Group August 2019 Meeting

2 Meeting Agenda Francois Tumahai, Chairman, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Waewae will open the meeting Housekeeping and session framework – staff introductions Introduce yourself and what you represent Finalise terms of reference, proposed meeting schedule The regulatory framework NPSFM overview: Understanding the language, How the freshwater process works Freshwater issues in the Kawatiri FMU Next steps Hadley

3 Housing keeping and session framework
House keeping Session overview Staff introductions Hadley

4 The implementation team
Hadley Mills Planning Science and Innovation Manager Heather McKay Consents and Compliance Manager Stefan Beaumont Hydrology Team Leader Emma Perrin-Smith Senior Technician Water Quality Edith Bretherton Senior Policy Planner Lillie Sadler Planning Team Leader Jonny Horrox Science Team Leader Hadley

5 Group member introduction
Who are you? What do you represent? Are there any potential conflicts of interest to discuss amongst the group? Round table

6 Terms of Reference and Chair
Lots of standard clauses we can refer to if we need to – quorum, duration etc. Key points include: Advisory committee of the West Coast Regional Council Purpose and objectives which reflect the freshwater process described above Operating principles Role of the chairperson Agree to and pass the Terms of Reference, defer Chair appointment to next meeting

7 Communications Is everyone agreeable to personal details being shared between the group for invites and circulating documents. Presentation and agenda to be circulated to the group the week prior to the meeting. All group member names on the WCRC website, with the Chairs contact details. After each meeting a short summary (two sentences) of the meeting to be drafted by Chair, and agreed by group to be posted on WCRC facebook. Meeting summary circulated to group. Outcomes, decisions and actions & presentation on WCRC website (WCRC staff responsible)

8 Resource Management Framework
Resource Management Act National Policy Statements (including for Freshwater Management) National Environmental Standards Water Conservation Orders Water Conservation (Buller River) Order 2001 Water Conservation (Grey River) Order 2001 Regional Policy Statement Iwi Management Plans Te Rūnanga o Ngati Waewae Kaitiakitanga Pounamu Management Plan Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Freshwater Policy Regional Plans Regional Land and Water Plan Regional Coastal Plan for West Coast Regional Air Quality Plan One District Plan Resource Consents and Other Methods of Implementation Edith

9 How the Freshwater Process Works

10 NPSFM overview Understanding the Language
FRESHWATER OBJECTIVES VALUES ATTRIBUTES LIMITS METHODS Help you identify Help you choose Help you identify Help you identify Help you set Help you identify Help you determine The characteristics of the water that need to be managed to provide for each value The things that people think are important about the water The levels your community want each attribute to reach in the future The maximum amount of resource use that will enable the freshwater objective to be met The measures you put in place to ensure the limits and the freshwater objectives are met Help you provide for Help you achieve Help you meet Help you provide for

11 Things that affect lake and river health
Faecal contamination from birds, humans and livestock Fine sediment from earthworks and disturbed ground Nutrient enrichment – algal blooms Water quantity, barriers and flow regimes Weed threats e.g. Largarosiphon. Many others that may arrive unannounced. Dissolved heavy metals, acidity

12 Lake and river health – some key aspects
Under the NPSFM, a river or lake needs improvement if certain attributes are below the national ‘bottom line’, or if they are deteriorating.

13 Kawatiri FMU Gantt Chart
2019 2020 2021 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Meeting 1 - ToR agreed 06-Aug Meeting 2 - Community Values Meetings 3 & 4 – Introduce attributes. Plan science and economics Undertake science and economics monitoring/research Meetings 5, 6, 7 & 8 – values, attributes and objectives considered Meetings 9, 10 & 11 – consider and set targets Meeting 12 - Finalise objectives Meetings 13, 14 & 15 – consider regulatory and non-regulatory management options Meetings 16 & 17 - Finalise recommendations to Council Council meeting papers due No meeting Deliver recommendations to Council

14 Next Steps Appoint Chair Values in the FMU
Understanding planning for freshwater Regulatory and non-regulatory recommendations Set the date for the next meeting

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