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Behaviour and Expectations

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Presentation on theme: "Behaviour and Expectations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Behaviour and Expectations

2 Open Evening 27th September
Anyone who would like to volunteer to be help out or be a tour guide on this evening please go see: Mrs Quinney P1

3 First impressions Competition
Write short piece about your first impressions of Arden and any experiences from Year 7. The best will be put in a booklet that is handed out on opening evening to parents. Prizes for all that enter the competition. Hand back in to HOY by next monday 17th.



6 Achievement Points and PBFL
58340 Achievement points awarded last year 10 = postcard home 20 = early lunch passes and letter home 30 = two early lunch passes and letter home from Mr Warwood 40 = Letter from Mr Murphy Top 30 each Term (Raffle/Pizza Lunch & Xmas film afternoon/rewards Breakfast) Top 30 end of the year receive achievement colour

7 BFL – Last Year Total of 12039 incidents 9797 – BFL
2242 – M30/Pastoral


9 We expect you to!

10 Mobile Devices Use of mobile phones/devices is prohibited in the Academy. If a mobile phone/device is visible or being used on the Academy premises at any time it will be confiscated and can only be collected by a parent/guardian. Persistent offenders will receive further sanctions. Do not get your phone out until you are outside the green gates!!!!!!!!

11 Do the basics well Be punctual to both school and lessons
Do your homework on time to the best of your ability Ensure you have the correct equipment for each lesson Listen to your teachers and follow instructions



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