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Current Status and Future of Subaru Telescope

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1 Current Status and Future of Subaru Telescope
Michitoshi Yoshida Subaru Telescope, NAOJ EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

2 Open-use status EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

3 Instrument Lineup of Subaru
facility instruments Optical wide field camera: HSC [Pr] Optical camera and spectrograph: FOCAS [Cs] Optical high dispersion spectrograph: HDS [Ns] Near-infrared multi-object spectrograph: MOIRCS [Cs] Near-infrared camera and spectrograph: IRCS [Ns] Mid-infrared camera and spectrograph: COMICS [Cs] visiting instruments (PI-type) Near-infrared high-dispersion spectrograph: IRD [Coude] Coronagraphic High Angular Resolution Imaging Spectrograph (CHARIS) [Ns] Extreme adaptive optics: SCExAO [Ns] adaptive optics Adaptive optics system: AO188 [Ns] EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

4 Oversubscription rate is ~ 4 – 6
EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

5 S18A allocated telescope time
earthquake, bad weather, main shutter problem 37 nights  24.5 nights SSP Downtime Engineering Staff Regular Open Use UH Keck Gemini EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

6 S18B allocated telescope time
UPS trouble, hurricane/tropical storm, TUE maintenance, etc. 40.5 nights  ~24 nights ? SSP Downtime Engineering Regular Open Use Staff UH Keck Gemini as of EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

7 Subaru Strategic Programs
SEEDS ( ) nights finished “Subaru Strategic Exploration of Exoplanets and Disks with HiCIAO/AO188 (SEEDS)” Fastsound ( ) nights finished “Probing the Origin of the Cosmic Acceleration with the Subaru/FMOS Cosmological Redshift Survey” HSC SSP ( ) nights ongoing “Wide-field imaging with Hyper Suprime-Cam: Cosmology and Galaxy Evolution” Collaboration of Japan, Taiwan and Princeton. IRD SSP ( ) nights were approved as the 1st stage of the project “Search for Planets like Earth around Late-M Dwarfs: Precise Radial Velocity Survey with IRD” PFS SSP (2021? ?) ? nights in preparation Large international PFS collaboration EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

8 HSC SSP 1st Public Data Release in Feb. 2017
Three layer survey Wide: deg g: 26.5, i: 25.9 Deep: deg g: i: 26.8 Ultra Deep: deg g: i: 27.4 300 nights are allocated from 2014 to 2019 2nd Public Data Release (May 2019) 1st Public Data Release in Feb. 2017 2nd Public Data Release will be in May 2019 EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

9 Troubles in 2018 EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

10 Troubles in 2018 Very bad weather from January to April
We lost ~75% of the observing time due to the bad weather Earthquakes triggered by Kilauea volcanic activity 6.9M earthquake on March 4  Subaru operation has been suspended for 2 weeks to check the status of the telescope and dome. The main shutter of the dome was damaged. HSC observation runs were cancelled from May to September due to earthquakes. Hurricane Lane One week (8/22 – 8/27) suspension of the telescope operation FOCAS and COMICS were damaged. Malfunction of the main UPS triggered by power outage at the summit. UPS2 failed on Sep. 13. UPS1 failed on Nov. 6. The batteries of the UPSs failed  Procure new batteries.

11 Science Results EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

12 Number of publications
Jan. - Nov. 2018 133 papers EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

13 Dennis Crabtree (2018) NRC Herzberg
EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

14 Subaru Telescope Widest 3D dark matter map ever
Oguri et al Growth of the structure clearly visible for the first time. ~3 deg COSMOS 3D Map ~10 deg Only Subaru can create this, for now.

15 Subaru Telescope Cosmological Constraints from the HSC-SSP
Hikage et al The cosmological constraints on the fractional contribution of matter to the energy budget of the Universe were derived by a blind analysis of the HSC data. The clumpiness and matter fraction of the Universe from the HSC data are consistent with results from other similar observations (DES and KiDS), but are marginally consistent with Planck observation.

16 Subaru Telescope The Rest-frame Optical Sizes of Massive Galaxies with Suppressed Star Formation at z~4 The rest-frame optical sizes of massive quiescent galaxies (QGs) at z∼4 with the IRCS and AO188. The size growth of massive galaxies is proportional to the square of stellar mass, indicating the size-stellar mass growth driven by minor dry mergers. Kubo et al EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

17 Subaru Telescope Comet 17P/Holmes was Born in a Region of the Solar Nebula Far from the Sun
Comet 17P/Holmes includes highly volatile species abundantly (with low sublimation temperatures below ~50 K) and that sublimation of these volatiles could be responsible for the comet's explosive releases of dust grains. Comet 17P/Holmes formed in a cold region of the solar nebula far from the Sun. Four striking thermal emission features of silicate dust grains are seen around 10 microns. The sets of six vertical lines indicate peak wavelengths of the 10.0, 10.4, 11.2 and 11.9 microns lines with Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios of 100% to 0% in 20% intervals. Kawakita et al

18 Instrumentation EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

19 New Instrument IRD (InfraRed Doppler spectrograph)
A fiber fed high-dispersion (R=70,000) NIR spectrograph with laser frequency comb  precision of radial velocity measurement ~3 m/s in H-band Detection of earth-like mass planets around M-dwarfs Science operation started in S18B. SSP will start in S19A. EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

20 Subaru’s Wide-Field Strategy in 2020s
Recommendation from Subaru Science Advisory Committee HSC (2014) Very wide-field optical imager Wide-field multi-objet spectrograph Wide-field near-infrared imager and MOS spectrograph including AO assisted IFU PFS (2022) ULTIMATE-Subaru (2026) Extend Subaru’s survey capability to near-infrared

21 PFS (Prime Focus Spectrograph) (under development; science operation from 2022)
A fiber fed multi-object spectrograph attached to the prime focus of Subaru 2,400 fibers FOV: 1.25 deg2 λ range: – 1.26 μm Spec. R: 2,300 – 5,000 Sensitivity Band magnitude Blue (0.38 – 0.65 μm) 22.5 Red (0.65 – 0.97 μm) 22.4 NIR (0.97 – 1.26 μm) 21.4 S/N = 1 hour exposure EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

22 Spectrograph Clean Room Metrology Camera System
EAO-Subaru Meeting Prototype Cable -B Prototype Science Database 2019/01/17

23 PFS Installation Timeline
Top Unit w/ fiber positioner Science Obs. 1st Sp-graph 3rd Sp-graph Metrology Camera 2nd Sp-graph 4th Sp-graph 10th PFS Collaboration Meeting was held at Shanghai Jiao Dong University from Dec. 10 to 14 EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

24 ULTIMATE-Subaru (conceptual design phase)
4 Laser Guide Star System Wide field near-infrared observation facility using ground layer adaptive optics (GLAO) system Conceptual Design Review was done in Oct !! Science Operation: 2026 Deformable Secondary Mirror Wavefront Sensors Wide Field Near-infrared Instruments EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17


ULTIMATE-SUBARU PROJECT OVERVIEW HIGH-RES “AND” WIDE-FIELD NIR CAPABILITIES Subaru/MOIRCS (4’x7’) Subaru/IRCS (1’x1’) HST/WFC3 (2.0’x2.3’) Star-forming galaxies at z~2 JWST/NIRCAM VLT/HAWK-I (7.5’x7.5’) (2x2.2’x2.2’) ULTIMATE-Subaru (14’x14’) ULTIMATE-Subaru will deliver: ▸ Subaru’s original High-redshift targets to follow-up with TMT ▸ Spatially-resolved studies of the objects found by HSC/PFS ▸ SDSS-like comprehensive imaging/spec. survey for high-redshift universe (z>2). ▸ Synergy with the future surveys by wide-field space missions (good synergy with WFIRST) 2019/01/17 EAO-Subaru Meeting

ULTIMATE-SUBARU PROJECT OVERVIEW WIDE-FIELD ADAPTIVE OPTICS: GLAO GLAO (0”.2) Seeing (0”.5) Uniform seeing improvement over ~20 arcmin FoV FWHM ~ 0”.2 at K-band, which is equivalent to HST and WFIRST 2019/01/17 EAO-Subaru Meeting


29 Tel. modification plan Prototyping ULTIMATE-START
DEVELOPMENT PLAN DEVELOPMENT TIMELINE Phase 1 FY GLAO Phase 2 Phase3 MOIRCS WFI M-IFS 2019 Tel. modification plan Prototyping ULTIMATE-START Preliminary design Grism upgrade Conceptual design 2020 NsIR design Preliminary design 2021 2022 Final design Final design Fabrication Prototyping 2023 Fabrication NsIR modification Fabrication 2024 Relocation to NsIR Preliminary design 2025 NsIR commissioning, Operation AIT Final design 2026 Cs modification Commissioning Fabrication 2027 Cs commissioning Operation 2028 AIT 2029 Commissioning 2030 Operation 2019/01/17 EAO-Subaru Meeting

30 Instrumentation Plan (2018 proposed)
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 PF HSC PFS Cs FOCAS COMICS MOIRCS ULTIMA TE Ns HDS IRCS SCExAO IRD CHARIS AO188 GLAO End End renewal TBD End End End End transition

31 Strategy of Subaru Telescope
2018 2020 2024 2033 2050 2028 2040 Subaru operation Subaru/TMT operation TMT construction HSC Ultra wide field survey upgrade Time-domain IRD・CHARIS Exoplanet search Long term monitoring Wide field spectroscopic survey IFU survey PFS Subaru wide field survey ULTIMATE-Subaru Wide field infrared survey / Time-domain WFIRST collab. collaboration Synergy of Subaru and TMT Origin of dark matter Life signs of exoplanets TMT detailed study Origin of dark energy Reionization

32 International Partnership
EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

33 International Partnership
It is getting more difficult for Subaru to financially sustain its operation even though the scientific value of the telescope is still very high. This is basically because the construction of TMT has started. It is required for Subaru to make its operation cost lower Japanese government has been asking Subaru to look for international partners who can operate the telescope together EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

34 Two categories of the partner
Full partner (FP); Access to Regional Guaranteed Time, Shared Time and Large Program (SSP) Full participation in decision-making process More than 2 M USD contribution (including in-kind cont.) Semi-partner (SP); Access to Regional Guaranteed Time and Shared Time Limited participation in decision-making process More than 500 K USD (up to 2 M USD) contribution in cash only EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

35 How to calculate the number of nights for Partner Time
Partner time is allocated to each partner based on the fraction of total contributions from each partner to the total operation cost: Total operation cost (incl. NAOJ HR) of Subaru: 20 M USD (~2.2 B JPY) Total available nights for science operations: S Partner contribution (M USD): P Number of PT = S * P / 20 Note: Total available nights for science operations (typically ~240 nights) are calculated as: 365 - (down time + UH time + international time + DDT + eng.) If S is 240 nights and P is 2 M USD, No. of PT is 24 nights / yr. EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

36 Time categories Partner Time will be divided into the three categories. Regional Guaranteed Time Shared Time Large Program (SSP)

37 Summary Subaru is one of the highest competitive telescopes in the world. The oversubscription rate of the proposals is about 5. Number of annual science publications is ~120 – 150 (133 for Jan. – Nov ). The open use of IRD was started in S18B. IRD-SSP will start from S19A. Preparation of PFS installation is ongoing. Science operation of PFS will start in 2021. Subaru suffered earthquakes, hurricanes, and big power outage this year. Due to these disasters and subsequent troubles, we lost about 40 nights of the telescope time. We could not install HSC from May to September due to earthquakes. The dome main shutter was damaged. Subaru is exploring international partners. EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

38 Nov 17 - 22, 2019 Waikoloa Beach Marriott Resort & Spa, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Subaru Telescope 20th Anniversary The 5th NAOJ Symposium / The 7th Subaru International Conference Nov , 2019 Waikoloa Beach Marriott Resort & Spa, Hawaii, U.S.A. EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

39 Topics [General Session] Subaru User’s Meeting FY2019
SSP projects and Future Instruments Special Keynotes [Parallel Sessions] Galaxy Formation, AGN, Time Domain, Exoplanet & Star Formation Solar System, Local Group & Nearby Galaxies Painolo ocean terrace at Marriott, Waikoloa

40 EAO-Subaru Meeting 2019/01/17

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