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Route Maps in English Year 7-11 Enjoy Achieve Celebrate

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1 Route Maps in English Year 7-11 Enjoy Achieve Celebrate
The 5 Year Plan Route Maps in English Year 7-11 Enjoy Achieve Celebrate

2 ARR Shakespeare RAR YEAR 7 2019-2020
Introduction to Victorian England and Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’ Narrative writing AWL 4 Re-write the opening of’ A Christmas Carol’ from the perspective of Bob Cratchit.. ACC continued ACC Continued Poetry: Reading assessment. AWL 1. How does De La Mare use language to create mood and atmosphere in ‘The Listeners’? Writing assessment. AWL 2. A descriptive piece of writing using an image as a stimulus. Charles Dicken ‘A Christmas Carol’ Reading Assessment Awl 3: GCSE 2019 ARR Shakespeare Shakespeare AMSND/Writer’s craft. Assessment: AWL 6 How does Shakespeare present attitudes towards women in Act 1 Scene 1 and across the rest of the play? Writing assessment AWL 7/8: Create a comedic’ extra scene’ between Bottom and Titania using conventions and perform. Dragon’s Den: Writing project-AWL 10/12 Create a product and market it-The AMSND theme park/AMSND perfume :Assessment: AWL 9/11 How do writers use language to persuade an audience to adopt a perspective?/10/12 AWL write an article that presents your viewpoint on theme parks/perfume and persuade the reader to adopt your point of view Modern Novel AWL 14Reading assessment: Pullman’s Northern Lights or R J Palacio’s ‘Wonder’. ‘How does Pullman use language to present John Faa’s intention to take revenge on the Gobblers in Chapter 8? How does Pullman use structure to engage the reader in this chapter? RAR Modern Novel : AWL13 S&L Is there ever an argument for breaking the law? (moral dilemma) dilemma. Narrative writing. AWL 15Assessment: Write about a time when you faced a moral Modern novel Writing to inform: . YEAR

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