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Title of the abstract (one or two lines)

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1 Title of the abstract (one or two lines)
Student: <Name_and_surname>, < _address> Advisor(s): <Advisor1_name_surname>, <Advisor2_name_surname> <Student_affiliation>, <country> 1. Introduction This is the poster template for the SoftCOM 2019 PhD Forum, which will be used by doctoral students to present their research. The format of the poster is A1, in portrait orientation. The size of different sections may be adjusted as needed. 4. Results The presented results should show the efficiency of the proposed method(s). Depending on the phase of the doctoral research, the results may be: final, preliminary, expected or planned. Graphical and tabular presentations are recommended. 2. Description of the research problem This part should include the short description of the research problem, the motivation and the aim of the research. Figure Z. A graphical illustration with two parts Table A. Example of the Table Numerical results 1,3 -4 3,4 2,4 73 3,3 6,6 7,7 8,8 9,9 1,1 2,2 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 Besides the results, their interpretation should be included. Figure X. Example of the graphical illustration 5. Conclusion The conclusion should summarize the research results and include remarks regarding the efficiency of the proposed solution(s). 3. Research methodology The presentation of the research methodology is an important part of the poster. The use of graphical illustrations, equations, block-diagrams and pseudocodes is recommended. References The short list of the most important references. Acknowledgement This work has been supported by ... Figure Y. Example of the graphical illustration PhD SoftCOM September 20, Split, Croatia

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