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Route Maps in English Year 7-11 Enjoy Achieve Celebrate

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1 Route Maps in English Year 7-11 Enjoy Achieve Celebrate
The 5 Year Plan Route Maps in English Year 7-11 Enjoy Achieve Celebrate

2 Reading-AWL 16 Modern Novel ‘Of Mice and Men’: Assessment ‘Crooks’ is a victim of the society he lives in.’ How far do agree with this statement? AWL 17 “1930’s America was plagued by inequality amongst minorities.” Write a broadsheet article exploring your ideas on this. Continue reading OMAM Unseen poetry: AWL 18 Assessment- How is anxiety portrayed in the poem ‘Life is an illusion’? Non –fiction Reading . Assessment AWL 19/:21` SkillsAssessment: Compare the ways in which writers from different centuries present the idea of body art Finish reading OMAM S&L/Writing Assessment:AWL 23/ 22Write a speech to the Head inform/explain and describe whether there is a need for freedom of expression away from the restraints of school policies and procedures. AWL 24 How does the media influence the way we view society?. Write a summary of how society is presented through two mediums-Reality TV/Video games/ Social media/Music video’s) W. Assessment: AWL 25The media still shows gender bias when presenting the roles of men and women in society-.Write an essay to discuss your views. AWL 26 How does the writer use language and structure to create mood and atmosphere?/AWL 27 Write a description based on a visual stimulus. 19th century mystery/ detective fiction YEAR AWL 28 19th Century Mystery/Detective Fiction: Assessment: How does the writer use language and structure to create a sense of mystery in this extract and across the text/ Awl 29 Write a short mystery story , and AWL 30 read aloud to the class.

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