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2 President’s Report Year in Review Working in Partnership
Sharing our Message Web-site Reconstruction We’ve have a very busy and productive year. Recognizing the importance of our volunteers, we invited all Committee Chairs & Vice-Chairs to a Communications Workshop in the early fall where we all learned new and effective tools to get the most out of our meetings, seminars and events. These tools were put to good use as we hosted 10 seminars, attended by almost 500 members. We’ve made some structural changes to the Board Meeting set-up to streamline the administrative side of our business and allow us to spend more time on new and emerging issues. I’m thrilled that the Program Committee has selected “Valuing Partnerships” as the theme of this year’s conference. As a Board we've focused this year on strengthening our relationships with immediate benefits. We’ve run two joint seminars with WEAO, leveraged our associations with other OCSI members and WCWC and are engaged with MOE in discussions to improve a number of operational challenges. We’ve also taken the opportunity to spread our vision as the leading resource dedicated to safe, sufficient and sustainable water, participating in panel discussions with OCWA, Canadian Urban Institute, MARS and Water Canada. I’m very excited that our web-site upgrade is now underway. The goal is to go live with the new and improved site by the end if the year which is ambitious but we have a dedicated and energetic team committed to make it happen! 2

3 Exciting Opportunities
President’s Report Exciting Opportunities 2012 Water Quality Technology Conference Student Chapters Committee Review As my term wraps up, I look forward to the new opportunities that our association will encounter: 1st is Water Quality Technology Conference which is coming back to Toronto after a two-decade absence, AS part of the Program Committee, I can assure you that this is a conference not to be missed! Look for details outside the registration booth and on the AWWA website: As always, our Student Chapters offer great opportunity, under the guidance of our YP Committee. I was lucky to participate in two incredibly successful events in Waterloo this year and out future looks great in their hands! Finally, the Board will be taking a long, overdue look at our Committee Structure. With more than 20 Committees in place, it is important that we review their effectiveness, their alignment with our Strategic Plan and whether we need to sunset some and form new Committees to face emerging challenges. This activity will take place over the next year with plenty of opportunity for your input so we look forward to your active participation 3

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