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Patient with histologically-proven ACLD

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1 Predictive factors of cirrhosis regression in patients with advanced chronic liver disease
Patient with histologically-proven ACLD and successful elimination of causal factor (n=60) Clinical regression with a decrease of MELD ≥3 points or Child-Pugh ≥ 2 points and/or a decrease >1stage of fibrosis on Ishak systems or Laennec classification on liver biopsy after months of therapy. CIRRHOSIS REGRESSION NO CIRRHOSIS REGRESSION on first and second liver samples. Genetic analysis of blood sample Metabolomic analysis of blood sample (before and 24 months after therapy) Transcriptomic analysis of liver tissue sample SNP genotyping NGS on liver samples Targeted analysis of amino acids Yuly Paulin Mendoza PhD student in Hepatology, UVCM, DBRM, Inselspital, University of Bern funding by Stiftung für Leberkrankheiten. Non-targeted analysis of lipids

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