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Title I Annual Parent Meeting

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1 Title I Annual Parent Meeting
Riverside Elementary School September 09, 2019 Melissa Kearley Principal Lori Wagner Assistant Principal Building a Foundation for Success

2 Agenda Sign-in/door prize ticket Welcome and Introductions
Title I Annual Parent Meeting September 09, 2019 Riverside Elementary School Learning Commons 9:00-10:00am Sign-in/door prize ticket Welcome and Introductions Title I Presentation Questions and Answers Survey Door Prizes/Refreshments

3 Dreams “to see people being nice to friends” -1st Gr.
“I want to be an archeologist and be rich to dig up dinosaurs” -5th Gr. “My dream school is kids not bully”- 3rd Gr. “To learn math and become A good mathematician” -1st Gr. “My dream school is the best place to be” -2nd Gr. “My dream school would Be like kids would be good all day!” 3rd Gr. “to see people being nice to friends” -1st Gr. “I wish to be the best person I can be! And do better than last year” -5th Gr. Dreams “everyone working together” -2nd Gr. “My dream is to start saving money and make it to middle school” -5th Gr. “My goal is to make it to the NFL” -5th Gr. “My dream is to learn a lot of science in school and to pass 4th grade”-4th Gr. “to learn about the U.S. Navy” -5th Gr. “the fastest person” -5th Gr.

4 We All Want Our Children…
To have a better future; To have success in school and life; To be happy; To be a good citizen and To be respectful, honest and hard working.

5 “Every Student Succeeds Act”? (ESSA)
What is “Every Student Succeeds Act”? (ESSA) (Replaced No Child Left Behind) Education act signed into law in 2015 that aims to: Ensure that every student has a high-quality education Challenge and motivate students Provide parents with information about the quality of schools Give students the chance to be “well-rounded”

6 What is Title I? Title I is the largest federal assistance program for our nation’s schools. The goal of Title I is a higher quality of education for every child. The program serves millions of children in elementary and secondary schools each year. Riverside is a Title I school. What every parent should know about Title I! (brochure)

7 How Title I Works The federal government provides funding to states each year for Title I. The Florida Department of Education sends the money to the district. The school district identifies eligible schools and provides Title I funds. Riverside implements a school wide (K-5) program.

8 Achievement Goals The goal is to narrow the achievement gap between student groups by 50% by 2020. Targets include participation rate and percent proficient in reading, writing, mathematics and graduation rates. Schools are given a letter grade from A-F.

9 Okaloosa County Title I Schools
Currently, the Okaloosa County School District serves 18 elementary schools and 4 special area schools with Title I Part A funds. (The list of schools can be found on Okaloosa School District’s website.)

10 (Florida’s Report Card)
EduData Portal (Florida’s Report Card) EduData Portal provides parents and the community with important information about each public school: Demographic data Academic data Graduation rates Class size Teacher and staff information Curriculum and instruction information And many other features

Grades Served: PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 Title I District: Okaloosa Type: Elementary School Principal: Melissa Kearley Contact Info: 3400 E Redstone Ave Crestview, FL (850) A EDUDATA PORTAL School Report Card RIVERSIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A

12 Historical School Grade Data

13 MAP Reading Proficiency (By Grade)
ELA (Reading): Data

14 FSA ELA Data (By Grade) ELA: Data

15 FSA ELA Data (By Grade) ELA: Data (continued)

16 FSA ELA Data (By Grade) ELA: Data (continued)

17 MAP Math Proficiency (By Grade)
Math: Data

18 FSA Math Data (By Grade)

19 FSA Math Data (By Grade) Math: Data (continued)

20 FSA Math Data (By Grade) Math: Data (continued)

21 Florida Educational Standards
Florida’s academic content standards are rigorous for all students The standards identify what your child needs to know and be able to do in all content areas. The standards are what the state tests. Information located at: (click on standards tab)

22 Riverside’s Curriculum
Florida Standards form the framework of everything taught at Riverside Elementary School. Curriculum Reading Mathematics Writing Science Social Studies

23 Riverside’s Curriculum
(Continued) “Academic Upgrade” At Riverside Elementary School , Title 1 Remediation is called “Academic Upgrade” (AU). AU Remediation Teachers (Reading and Math): Utilize i-Ready Reading and Math to fill in gaps of below grade level skills Collaborate with classroom teachers to create PMP (Progress Monitoring Plan) strategies for the student Work with classroom teachers to discuss the student’s strengths, weaknesses and strategies that work

24 Measuring Student Success
Florida’ Standards Assessment (FSA) English Language Arts (grades 3-10) Mathematics (3-8) Science (grades 5 and 8) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)- Grades K-8 FCAT Science – Grades 5 and 8

25 Title I Funds Provide Supplemental Support Smaller Classes
Remediation teachers and paraprofessionals Additional training for school staff Extra time for instruction (before and/or after school programs) Parental Involvement Activities A variety of extra teaching methods and materials Technology Textbooks/Supplies

26 Who decides how funds are used?
Every school has a School Advisory Council (SAC) composed of: Parents, teachers, other staff that works at the school, principal, and students (at Middle and High School) The School Advisory Council determines how to use Title I funds Parents are encouraged to join Riverside’s SAC

27 Working Together! Title I law requires that all Title I schools and families work together How we work together is listed in our: Parent Family Engagement Policy (PFEP) Parent-School Compact School Performance Plan (SPP)

28 Parent-School Compact
The school, teachers, parents/guardians and students commit to do their very best to support the student’s academic success.

29 Parent Family Engagement Policy Requirements
Involve parents in a meaningful way in the development, implementation and review of the parent involvement program Convene an annual meeting to inform parents of Title I students, of Title I requirements and their rights to be involved in the Title I Program Offer meetings at flexible times to maximize participation

30 Parent Family Engagement Policy Requirements
Provide materials and training to help Title I parents work with their children to improve their achievement Assist parents in understanding academic content standards, assessments and how to monitor and improve the achievement of their children Host Literacy/Math Parent Workshops Host Family Math and Science Night (STEM Night)

31 Riverside assists parents through…
Providing materials and training to help Title I parents work with their children to improve their children’s achievement. Sending home homework and other practice material. Up to date school website with resources to practice math and reading skills. Online sites and passwords sent home so students can practice math and reading skills at home.

32 Your involvement is Key to your child’s success!
You are your child’s first teacher. You have the ability to influence your child’s education more than any teacher or school. You know your child best: Share information about your child’s interests and abilities with teachers, and Ask to see progress reports on your child and the school.

33 Title I School-Parent Compact
Riverside’s Title I School-Parent Compact and Parent Input

34 Annual Evaluation The content and effectiveness of the parental involvement policy and program must be evaluated annually Identify barriers to participation in parental involvement Data and input might include… Parent questionnaires and surveys Focus groups Parent advisory committee input Report findings to parents and families and use those results to revise the parental involvement policy and school-parent compact.

35 You can also view the Okaloosa Title I Parent Involvement Plan.
For more information… About our Title I program, please visit our district website: You can also view the Okaloosa Title I Parent Involvement Plan.

36 Questions

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