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1 Location Presentation
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 March, 2006 Location Presentation Authors: Date: Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at D. Stanley (Aruba Networks) John Doe, Some Company

2 Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 March, 2006 Abstract This location solution provides a mechanism for a STA to receive instructions from the network for providing presence indications, to alert the network of its presence, and to receive location updates from the network. No specific location determination mechanism is defined or required. D. Stanley (Aruba Networks) John Doe, Some Company

3 Location Proposal Goals
March, 2006 Location Proposal Goals Support a variety of end devices Provide wireless clients with the ability announce their presence Enable presence based applications Support multiple location-based services Enable WLAN infrastructure to provide location services to any wireless client Support “Location Aware” Clients Client applications that become more aware of their physical location Location format options are required -No one format fits all needs Support multiple location-calculation algorithms Interoperate with legacy clients D. Stanley (Aruba Networks)

4 The Solution: 3 Main Categories
March, 2006 The Solution: 3 Main Categories Configuration Setting up and receiving measurement parameters Presence Basic measurement and announcement Location The location data calculated from the raw measurements Location data provided to STA D. Stanley (Aruba Networks)

5 Category #1: Configuration
March, 2006 Category #1: Configuration Presence Configuration Request Frame Provides ability to setup STA Presence Indication parameters and channels Provides ability to setup STA “normal” and “in-motion” reporting intervals Provides ability to receive motion-related information Provides ability to control channels on which the STA announces its Presence Presence Configuration Response Frame Acknowledges successful or failed presence configuration request Status allows STA to indicate refusal, failure or incapable Upon failed presence configuration request, provides current reporting parameters D. Stanley (Aruba Networks)

6 March, 2006 Category #2: Presence “I am out here” (without defining “here”) rather than “Here I am” New Presence Parameters Information Element (IE) New Presence Request Frame, contains Presence parameters Dialog token for transactions New Presence Response Frame, contains D. Stanley (Aruba Networks)

7 Presence Parameters Information Element
March, 2006 Presence Parameters Information Element Identifier Field Name 1 Presence Indication Parameters 2 Presence Indication Channels 3 Presence Request Options 4 Presence Status 5 Location Service Parameters 6 Radio Information 7 Timing Measurements 8 Motion 9 Location Descriptor 10 Location Data 11 Location ID 12-254 Reserved 255 Vendor Specific D. Stanley (Aruba Networks)

8 March, 2006 Beacon Frame Example AP STA Beacon ( Presence Parameters Element[ Presence Indication Parmeters, Presence Indication Channels) ] The combination of a Presence Indication Parameters field and a Presence Indication Channels field broadcast in a beacon allow a device to discover the information required to bootstrap itself to send presence frames prior to association. D. Stanley (Aruba Networks)

9 Location Determination Example
March, 2006 Location Determination Example Example -Time of arrival AP STA Unicast Presence Request Sent at T1, received at T2 ACK, sent at T3, Received at T4 Presence Response [ Timing Measurements Element with Timestamp Difference = (T3-T2) ] STA can then calculate [ (T4-T1) – (T3-T2)]/2 D. Stanley (Aruba Networks)

10 Category #3: Location Services
March, 2006 Category #3: Location Services Infrastructure can provide location for itself or associated STA. STA can announce location if STA is capable of calculating its location Location Descriptor Used to describe the location data being requested or responded to Location Data Used to contain the location data Location Service Parameters Used to request or announce location services D. Stanley (Aruba Networks)

11 Location Descriptor Options
March, 2006 Location Descriptor Options Format What forms can location be provided in… CIVIC Geospatial (GEO) Resolution What resolution can location be resolved to… Building AP XY Encoding What encoding messages are constructed using… LCI Text ASN.1 D. Stanley (Aruba Networks)

12 One-Time Network Provided Location Example
March, 2006 One-Time Network Provided Location Example STA sends unicast Presence Request frame with Location Descriptor field Location Descriptor includes attributes of the requested location data: Location Subject = Local Format Encoding Resolution Infrastructure validates that the request came from allowed client and that the requested attributes match network capabilities. D. Stanley (Aruba Networks)

13 Network Provided Location - Response
March, 2006 Network Provided Location - Response AP ( if capable) calculates/obtains the requested location in the desired format, encoding…etc AP sends a Presence Response frame to the requesting STA which includes the Location Descriptor and Location Data fields D. Stanley (Aruba Networks)

14 Network Provided Location Example
March, 2006 Network Provided Location Example AP STA Presence Request (Dialog Token, Presence Parameters Element) Location Descriptor field is included in the Presence Parameters Element Presence Response (Dialog Token, Mgt Action Pending, Presence Parameters Element) Location Descriptor and Location Data fields are included in Presence Parameters Element D. Stanley (Aruba Networks)

15 Interval-Based Network Provided Location
March, 2006 Interval-Based Network Provided Location STA sends unicast Presence Request with Location Descriptor and Service Parameters Location Descriptor includes what options the response should have: Location Subject = Local Format Encoding Resolution Service Parameters specifies the interval and “start” service Infrastructure validates request came from allowed client and options match network capabilities. D. Stanley (Aruba Networks)

16 Interval-Based Network Provided Location - Response
March, 2006 Interval-Based Network Provided Location - Response Network receiving Presence Request with Location Descriptor with Location Subject = Local and Service Parameters Network if capable calculates requested location in format, encoding…etc upon interval requested Network sends Presence Response with Location Descriptor and Location Data at requested intervals D. Stanley (Aruba Networks)

17 Location Source ID Location Source ID
March, 2006 Location Source ID Location Source ID Provides a mechanism whereby a 3rd party/agent can confirm the validity of the location data for STA Acts as a reference to the source that generated the location Data and provides a means to gather more information on the data element. D. Stanley (Aruba Networks)

18 Summary: The Location Solution Provides
March, 2006 Summary: The Location Solution Provides Configuration Setting up and receiving measurement parameters Presence Basic measurement and announcement Location The location data calculated from the raw measurements Location data provided to STA D. Stanley (Aruba Networks)

19 March, 2006 Motion Move to include the substantive text in document 06/0009r2 into the TGv draft. Moved: Seconded: D. Stanley (Aruba Networks)

20 March, 2006 References D. Stanley (Aruba Networks)

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