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The Byzantine Empire 8.1.

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1 The Byzantine Empire 8.1

2 The Fall Empire was too large Political system too fragmented
Increasing pressure from invading Germanic tribes 2nd half of 4th century: Huns from Asia pushing Germanic tribes who… Pushed into the Western Roman Empire Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Angles/Saxons, Franks Vandals The Empire could not withstand OR recover Empire was too large Couldn’t protect it all Political system too fragmented Economically Weakened due to plague and war Tax Base Not enough to cover expenses “pay soldiers and ignore everyone else”-Septimus Severus

3 As the Western Roman Empire collapsed into Germanic tribal rule, the Eastern Empire thrived…

4 The Reign of Justinian Importance of Justinian
Instinct for judging others’ abilities Expanded the empire (p. 189) Justinian’s Code Collection of Roman laws Omitted repetitions, inconsistencies, and statures that dealt with Roman religion Used as a basis for many European legal systems and today

5 Influence of Empress Theodora
Encouraged her husband to improve status of women Husbands couldn’t beat wives Women could sue for divorce Women could own property (equal to their dowry) Widows could raise own children (rather than handing over to male relative) Nika Revolt—to Justinian, “Only here am I an Empress, I’m not leaving.”

6 Iconoclastic Controversy
Great Schism—A.D.1054 Icons— holy pictures of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and the saints. Some Christians revered icons feeling they helped them in their worship. Iconoclasts—people who felt even the presence of icons constituted idol worship Iconoclastic Controversy Western Church Believed icons were necessary for their uneducated people Heresy to oppose icons Roman Catholic Church Eastern Church Full of iconoclasts Presence of icons could lead to excommunication Eastern Orthodox Church

7 Church Tree

8 Constantinople As the Western Roman Empire was invaded, many of the texts, art, and any other item of worth/value was moved from Rome to Constantinople for safety. Preserved and passed on classical learning of Ancient Greece, Rome and the East. Law— Justinian Code Religion— Hagia Sophia (dome over rectangle) Arts— inspire reverence, not and imitations of reality (mosaics)


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