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GET ACTIVE [Insert name and organisation here]

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Presentation on theme: "GET ACTIVE [Insert name and organisation here]"— Presentation transcript:

1 GET ACTIVE [Insert name and organisation here]
On behalf of the LiveLighter team at Cancer Council WA

2 On the menu today Physical activity and health
Types of physical activity Physical activity guidelines LiveLighter resources to help you get active

3 Background information
*Interactive activity – Ask audience members if they have heard of LiveLighter before, and if so, what they know.* What is LiveLighter? A public health education program that aims to encourage people to eat well, be physically active and avoid weight gain Funded by the Department of Health and run by Cancer Council Western Australia The program engages with the community through TV, radio, print, social media, website, resources and advocacy

4 LiveLighter’s top tips
These are LiveLighter’s top tips for good health. Today we’ll be focusing on physical activity and sedentary behaviours *Animation – on click, dotted line forms around the tip ‘Be active everyday and sit less’*

5 Physical activity and health
Build fitness, balance & flexibility Maintain bone and muscle health as you age Improve mood Have more energy Sleep better Manage weight Reduce your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers Manage chronic diseases Benefits of physical activity * Animation – on click, each dot point appears one by one *

6 What counts? Deliberate exercise or sports Incidental activity
Physical activity includes just about any movement that results in using energy such as: *Animation – on click, each category of physical activity appears one by one* Deliberate exercise or sports (e.g. running, playing football, going to the gym) Incidental activity (e.g. playing with kids, hanging out the washing, walking to the bus) Work-related activity (e.g. climbing a ladder, lifting boxes, gardening) Work-related activity

7 How active should we be? Move More: Be active on most, preferably all, days each week Move Harder: Do 30-60 minutes moderate or minutes vigorous activity (or equivalent combination) on most days Move Stronger: Do muscle strengthening activities on at least 2 days each week Move Often: Minimise the amount of time spent sitting and break up sitting as often as possible Australia’s national physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines recommend that adults aim to: *Animation – on click, each guideline appears one by one* Move More: Be active on most, preferably all, days each week Move Harder: Do 30-60 minutes moderate or minutes vigorous activity (or an equivalent combination of both) on most days Move Stronger: Do muscle strengthening activities on at least 2 days each week Move Often: Minimise the amount of time spent sitting and break up sitting as often as possible

8 Move harder Move Harder: Do 30-60 minutes moderate or minutes vigorous activity (or equivalent combination) on most days Find something you enjoy, and do that! Examples – gardening, team sports, walking around the park, walking to work, cycling, swimming, tennis, lawn bowls, dance class The key to staying active is to find an exercise you enjoy. This can be an organised sport, rock climbing, gym class, tai chi, or simply taking the dog for a walk at the park or along the coast. *Interactive activity – Ask audience members what physical activities they enjoy doing.*

9 How intense is my activity?
How do you know if you’re doing moderate or vigorous intensity activity? Light-intensity activity includes light stretching, slow walking and light housework. It involves a slightly higher level of energy use than your resting state. If you’re doing light-intensity activity you’ll be able to talk normally and your breathing rate won’t increase noticeably. Moderate-intensity activity includes brisk walking, leisurely swimming or bike riding, moderately active sports like cricket or golf, yoga, pilates, body weight exercises, active housework like cleaning gutters, mopping and vacuuming, and playing with kids. If you’re doing moderate-intensity activity you’ll be able to comfortably chat, but you won’t be able to sing more than a few words without running out of breath. Vigorous-intensity activity includes running, walking up stairs or hills, highly active sports like AFL or tennis, using a rowing machine, fast cycling or fast swimming. If you’re doing vigorous-intensity activity you won’t be able to say more than a few words without having to pause to breathe.

10 Move stronger Move Stronger: Do muscle strengthening activities on at least 2 days each week However, only 3 in 10 Australian adults report doing any strength training at all Important for bone and muscle strength as we age Examples – yoga, pilates, calf raises, squats, weights, push-ups, sit-ups National guidelines recommend that adults do strength training on at least 2 days each week, however only 3 in 10 adults report doing any strength training at all. Inactive adults lose 3% to 8% of their muscle mass each decade. To help keep your muscles and bones strong as you get older it’s important to include strengthening activities into your week. Strengthening your muscles doesn’t have to involve going to the gym or doing weights; yoga, pilates, calf raises, squats, push-ups and sit-ups also count as strength exercises.

11 Move often Move Often: Minimise the amount of time spent sitting (<7 hours) and break up sitting as often as possible (ideally every 30 minutes) Tips: Restrict screen time and hop on an exercise bike when watching Take public transport to work or school Set a reminder to stand and stretch each half hour Catch up with friends for a walk or yoga class rather than coffee Being sedentary (i.e. sitting too much) is linked to a number of health risks. Even if you are meeting the guidelines for physical activity, your time spent sitting will still negatively impact your health, and extra physical activity is required to offset these impacts! Research suggests that we should try to sit for 7 hours or less each day, and we should break up sitting time every 30 minutes. Tips to reduce and break up sitting time: Restrict screen time and hop on an exercise bike when watching Take public transport to work or school Set a reminder to stand and stretch each half hour Catch up with friends for a walk or yoga class rather than coffee *Interactive activity – Ask audience members if they have any other ideas to reduce and break up sitting time.*

12 Some is better than none,
and more is better! Even if you don’t reach the guidelines, any increase in physical activity will be good for your health. This is the key message I want you to take away with you.

13 Physical activity calculator
An easy way to find out if you’re meeting the guidelines is to use LiveLighter’s physical activity calculator. You input what kind of activities you do each week and how much time you sit for.

14 Physical activity calculator
The calculator will then let you know how close you are to meeting the guidelines, what you can do to improve, and recommend LiveLighter workout programs to download. *Optional interactive activity – ask audience members to navigate to the physical activity calculator on their phone and complete the calculator. This will take about 10 minutes*

15 Free workout programs LiveLighter have 8 different workout programs available for you to download for free.

16 Let’s do the 3 minute workout!
The 3 minute workout is a great way to break up your day with a little exercise. Why not get all your colleagues involved for a daily 3 minute workout? *Optional interactive activity – complete the 3 minute workout as a group. Do each activity for 30 seconds.*

17 Let’s do the 3 minute workout!

18 Did you know?

19 Take home points Being physically active is important for health
Doing some is better than none, and more is better There are lots of resources available on the LiveLighter website to help get you moving

20 How to get more information?
Visit the LiveLighter website

21 Questions?

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