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Carbon Cycle!.

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Presentation on theme: "Carbon Cycle!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbon Cycle!

2 What is Carbon? One of the most abundant elements on Earth
It is the element of life because it is almost all life forms on our planet! Its my favorite element since I’m made of it Why? It can form bonds with many other elements and can make up to 4 bonds with itself & other atoms Ex: CO2 (most common carbon source in the air/atmosphere) & CH4 (methane- a very natural gas you make after eating beans)

3 Carbon Pools: parts of the environment & the carbon cycle where carbon is stored for a period of time. There are many examples of where carbon can be found, including: Examples: Vegetation (e.g. plants) Animals (e.g. humans Decomposers (e.g. Fungi & bacteria) Atmosphere (air) Ocean & other waters Waste/Litter Fossil Fuels Industrial Manufacturing

4 Organic vs. Inorganic Chemical compounds are considered Organic if: it is made of Carbon (C) & Oxygen (O) (C—O bonds) and/or Carbon & Hydrogen (H) (C—H bonds) Carbon bonds allow for the large Macromolecules of life: Carbohydrates-used for energy e.g. sugars, breads, rice Lipids–make up cell membranes & brains e.g. fats, butter, oils Proteins-make up muscles, enzymes e.g. meat & Nucleic acids-store the genetic codee.g. DNA & RNA) Inorganic: Has no carbon at all or has NO C—O bonds or C—H bonds Ex: salts (e.g. NaCl) or diamonds (made of only carbon atoms so no C—O or C—H bonds) DNA molecule Diamonds

5 Carbon Flux: carbon moves between different parts of the carbon pool
Flux = Movement Carbon moves to various carbon pools in the environment Combustion – burning of carbon-based materials (e.g. wood, gasoline, coal or food) to obtain energy to do work, -releasing CO2 & H2O as byproducts… e.g. Combustion moves carbon from fossil fuel storage to different pools e.g. to industry pools atmosphere pool Photosynthesis- Carbon from the atmosphere pool taken in by plants…. Atmosphere pool to  vegetation pool Respiration- animals release carbon dioxide into atmosphere (air)… animals pool to  atmosphere pool

6 In this picture CO2 in the air (atmosphere) is represented by the cloud. Write down & answer this:
Name one way CO2 is removed from the air and two ways it is added back

7 Carbon Cycle Game Board

8 Carbon game notes-What are the Common Carbon Pathways on Earth?
Game cards will help you find these: What were the star cards? Star cards = human impact cards Remove all the star cards from “fossil fuels” What is the effect? Carbon stays in fossil fuels

9 Carbon game notes-continued
What does that tell you about fossil fuels? Fossil Fuels are Carbons final resting place! We call it fossil fuels because we use the carbon for energy… in nature it stays in the earth What is the end result of using too much fossil fuels? Excess carbon goes to atmosphere!

10 Understand… Human Impact
When there is too much Carbon in atmosphere the ocean absorbs excess carbon dioxide Makes the ocean more acidic- Ocean Acidification Harmful to organisms- ex: too much acid makes shells break apart more easily Ocean Acidification by the Alliance for Climate Education (3:00 min) Write down 3 facts from video onto your notes


12 Human Impact What would happen if you removed too many trees for the carbon cycle? Deforestation= removal of trees Result: trees could not remove excess carbon in atmosphere!

13 What is the one of the main ways CO2 in the atmosphere is kept in check? (Look at picture)
BY TREES/PLANTS…. Result? More CO2 stays in atmosphere or moves to ocean!

14 Effects animals and ecosystems
Too much Carbon in atmosphere creates a thicker ozone layer, traps heat and makes Earth Warmer (greenhouse effect) Effects animals and ecosystems Ex: melting glaciers disrupts polar bear habitat 3 facts from video

15 Homework Finish Carbon Game Worksheets

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