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March 9, 2011 High Energy Physics 101 Kihyeon Cho.

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Presentation on theme: "March 9, 2011 High Energy Physics 101 Kihyeon Cho."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 9, 2011 High Energy Physics 101 Kihyeon Cho

2 People have long asked, What is world made of? and
What holds it together?

3 What is world made of? In Ancient time fire earth water air

4 What is World Made of?

5 Standard Model t, b, c are heavier than other quarks
- heavy flavor quarks W, Z, top are stand out from the rest.

6 Matter Hadron (Quark) - size Lepton – no size
Baryon (qqq): proton, neutron Meson (q qbar): pion, kaon Lepton – no size Point particle

7 How to know any of this? (Testing Theory)
Example Light bulb (Source) Tennis ball (target) Eye (detector)

8 How to detect? Accelerators solve two problems:
High energy gives small wavelength to detect small particles. (Lambda = h /p ) The high energy create the massive particles that the physicist want to study.(E=mc^2)

9 Accelerator design Shapes Collision types Linacs (SLAC)
Synchrotrons (Fermilab) Collision types Fixed target (E687, FOCUS) Colliding beams (CDF, Belle, BTeV) => CM = 1TeV+1TeV => 2TeV

10 High Energy Experiment

11 Fixed target vs Colliding beams
(total energy)2-(total momentum)2 = invariant in all frames of reference Assume that 800GeV(Ebeam) proton collides in a fixed target(proton). Center of mom. frame Laboraroty frame Total energy: ECM Ebeam+mp Total momentum: Pbeam Invariant: ECM (Ebeam+mp )2-Pbeam2 E = [ 2(mp2+Ebeammp) ]1/2 = 38.8GeV We are enough to 19.4GeV+19.4GeV proton beams in collider !!! Question: What’s the advantage of a fixed target experiment?

12 Experiments related to CKM parameters
e+e- B Factories Major experiments ongoing, some ended Talk by Elisabetta Barberio

13 전자-양전자 충돌 가속기 실험 This plot shows the current heavy flavor physics experiments by electron and positron. BESII, CLEOc, Belle, BaBar. They has excellent photon resolution.

14 Belle II (2014~) The next thing is superbelle.

15 양성자-양성자 충돌 가속기 실험 (Large Hadron Collider)
CERN LHCb ATLAS Let me talk about LHC Experiment. There are 4 big experiments at LHC which are CMS, ATLAS and LHCb. CMS ALICE LHC at CERN

16 양성자-반양성자 충돌 가속기 실험 (Tevatron)
This plot shows the current heavy flavor physics experiments by electron and positron. CDF and D0. Heavier B => Full Service of B factory

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