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Welcome Freshmen Parents

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Freshmen Parents"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Freshmen Parents
Class of 2023 Schultz

2 Student Services Team Scott Bakkum - School Counselor A-D
Angela Fisher - School Counselor E-Ka Susan Verhagen - School Counselor Ke-O Lauren Black - School Counselor P-Th Carrie Schultz - School Counselor Ti-Z/ GT/IB Coordinator Erica Lannan - School Social Worker Brianne Decker - School Psychologist Schultz

3 OHS Communication Tools
Open OHS Blog Link that Mr. Curtis sends you Student Services Link: PRIDE: Academic Support, Career, College & Life Readiness Black

4 Stay Connected OHS Student Services is on Twitter!
for updates Black

5 Raccoon Prep-PRIDE Sessions
Freshman transition supports to OHS utilizing Link Leaders who help with academic, social/emotional and culture/climate building experiences. These sessions are designed to promote the OHS ideals of committed, accountable and grounded. Black

6 Family Access Grades Attendance Graduation Requirements
Parent/Teacher conferences Fees/Activities Verhagen

7 Verhagen

8 Exceptional Learning Opportunities
Advanced Placement (AP®) International Baccalaureate (IB) Project Lead the Way (PLTW) IB Career-related Programme (IBCP) Global Education Achievement Certificate (GEAC) Verhagen

9 Freshmen Assessments MAPs - Grades 9 Fall, Winter, Spring
Reading, Math ACT Aspire - grades 9 & 10 Spring Math, Reading, Writing, English, Science ACT Tessera - Social Emotional Learning (SEL) assessment Grade Measures: Grit, Resilience, Teamwork, Curiosity, Leadership Bakkum

10 Academic Career Plans Mission: To empower ALL students to travel the road TO adulthood through education and training to careers! More Information: Bakkum

11 Bakkum

12 Xello College & Career Planning tool that prepares students for for future success with an engaging program that builds self-knowledge, personalized plans, and critical life skills Fisher

13 Q & A ALL

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