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Work of the task force on future censuses Agenda point 3.9

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1 Work of the task force on future censuses Agenda point 3.9
1 Work of the task force on future censuses Agenda point 3.9 DSS Meeting February 2015

2 Intro Information on the discussions of the Task Force on future EU censuses and on plans for work of the Task Force during 2015. In particular, the proposed agenda of the Task Force meetings including that the next two meetings in March and June should focus entirely on preparations for the 2021 census data collection

3 Background 2013 DSS decision to use EP & Council Reg 763/2008 for round of censuses with new implementing regulations DSS decision to create a TF on post 2021 census 2014 DSS request to start asap work on implementing regulations DSS decision to create a TF DSS request to join both TFs First meeting of the joint TF Dec 2014

4 1st TF meeting main outcomes
4 meetings planned for 2015 To finish work on the first draft of 2021 implementing regulations by mid-2016 To use experience of 2011, changing nature of the census (more admin and sample data) and evolving requirements. The first 2 meetings would only cover the development of the data collection. Discussions on post-2021 would be postponed until later in The postponement of these activities of the Task Force implies that the post-2021 report to the DSS will be put back until mid-2017.

5 date 2021 EU Census Programme Post-2021 strategy Mar Census topics – definitions and classifications Jun Content and structure of cross-tabulations Sep Metadata requirements Reviewing and refining the outline scenarios for European census-type statistics beyond 2021. Dec Content and arrangements for quality reporting Identification of options for feasibility studies and pilot tests based on favoured scenario(s) Mar Remaining issues / coherence of technical proposals Monitoring tests and studies. Investigating technical and legal barriers to the implementation of favoured scenario(s). Jun

6 The DSS is invited to: note the main outcomes of the December 2014 meeting of the Task Force; approve the plans for the Task Force’s work for 2015 and, in particular agree to the proposal to focus on the 2021 census data collection for the March and June 2015 meetings.

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