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OpenStack Marketing Community

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1 OpenStack Marketing Community
Jan. 26/27, 2017

2 Agenda Brand refresh transition timeline New logo & why Program logos
OpenStack Days/ OpenStack User Groups Social properties refresh Website header refresh Reskin or revise content Style guide v1 PPT template #RunsOnOpenStack Boston Summit: deadlines, StackCity party, OpenSource Days Industry events participation What's coming next Your next steps

3 Brand refresh timeline

4 New logo transition

5 Why the brand refresh? Modernize the OpenStack logo
Build on existing brand identity—instantly recognizable as “OpenStack” Make it easier to implement the OpenStack logo in different mediums with consistent quality Demonstrate project maturity through branding (mature brands consistently simplify their logos)

6 Program logos Companies must sign commercial logo license and meet criteria to use these Currently licensed companies will receive direct contact from foundation with the logos; please update on your website Apply for a commercial logo license at; send inquiries to

7 OpenStack User Group logos
UG logos distributed via Tom Fifield

8 OpenStack Days logos OSD logos distributed through Denise Ridolfo

9 Social properties refresh

10 Website header refresh

11 Revise or reskin? We’re looking for input—volunteer to be part of the revisions team Unified cover design across all collateral REVISE: About OpenStack 1-pager (front/back) Case study template Containers guide RESKIN: NFV paper (most downloaded asset) Strategy Guide (hot giveaway) Security Q&A paper HPC book

12 OpenStackStyle Guide

13 Style Guide draft at

14 Comments are open (scroll to bottom of each page)—please contribute! OS-StyleGuide

15 Comments are open (scroll to bottom of each page)—please contribute! OS-StyleGuide

16 Draft presentation template
OpenStack-branded PPT and Keynote templates for community use only. Powerpoint draft: OS-PresoTemplate

17 OpenStack Messaging Strategy
Costs less, does more. Aggressively position cost savings & business value against AWS-only tactic in a multi-cloud world. Open infrastructure. Position OpenStack as the home of open infrastructure and innovation within the emerging technology landscape. Competitive cost advantage. OpenStack offers greater cost savings compared to other infrastructure choices; ⅔ of OpenStack users say cost is the No. 1 driver. One platform. OpenStack streamlines management of virtual machines, containers and bare metal within a single framework.

18 #RunsOnOpenStack Industries Organizations of all sizes
OpenStack benefits a wide variety of: Industries Organizations of all sizes Users around the world Workloads Technology choices The heart of this campaign shows one platform with limitless opportunity.

19 What’s coming next? OpenStack Days and OpenStack User Group logos finalized (versions for every group) PPT template Live version of the style guide New covers for collateral OpenStack one-pager Revised collateral pieces

20 Boston Summit deadlines February 6 - Call for Presentations March 14 - All Boston sponsorships & discounted Sydney sponsorships March 14 - Discounted early bird registration VIP sponsorships for community party at Fenway now available!!

21 StackCity party sponsorship prospectus available at: tinyurl
StackCity party sponsorship prospectus available at:

22 Open Source Days The Summit is more than OpenStack—it’s about building the future of open infrastructure, bringing together many open source communities to collaborate.

23 Industry events plan 2017 Global Events Calendar available at OpenStack Foundation will have a presence at the following events in 2017:

24 Industry events plan 2017 Global Events Calendar available at OpenStack Foundation will have a presence at the following events in 2017:

25 User Survey Launches Feb. 1 — closes Feb. 20
Every community member should take it! Please communicate the opportunity to your customers, tweet it, add it to newsletters, encourage your colleagues to do so.

26 Your next steps Explore the Style Guide & provide feedback
Use #RunsOnOpenStack to promote your customers and users Update your website with new OpenStack logos (with license) Don’t forget the Boston Summit deadlines! User Survey is coming next week! Ensure your customers take it. Suggest your colleagues join the marketing mailing list:

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