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Dissertations: writing the results/ analysis chapter

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1 Dissertations: writing the results/ analysis chapter
Dr Jessica Hancock Lecturer in Academic Development

2 Today Understand what’s required in your analysis and findings chapter
Think about effective ways of writing about qualitative and quantitative data

3 Chapter contents Data results – what
Discussion – why – link to literature review

4 Writing task What are your main findings (one or two sentences)?
How do these compare to previous research?

5 Qualitative data

6 Processing qualitative data
Volume of information How does it fit in with your research question? System to locate patterns and formulate theory – codes, memos

7 Coding example: problems with group work
A didn’t send it their part before the deadline B only did half of the agreed work count C’s stuff was terrible, no references at all D’s work was all copied from the internet E wrote something but it didn’t make any sense

8 Connecting codes/ themes
Contribution levels Attitudes to time Participation in meetings Differences in expectations

9 Quantitative data

10 Key terms Variable, constant
Independent and dependent variables: relationship In the US, people who talk slowly have a higher rate of skin cancer. Why?

11 Charts


13 Charts are about communication
Simplify pattern discovery Not wow factor Not misleading Think about: What is it for? What question does it answer?

14 Embedding visual data Title – e.g. Table 1 / Figure 1 etc - at the bottom Secondary source - in text citation Integrate it within your writing

15 Summary Data isn’t an end in itself
Charts and tables can help us interpret information Significance of results - connections

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