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Creating a Professional Portfolio

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1 Creating a Professional Portfolio

Your portfolio is simply a compilation of all the work you have already done!

3 What you will need to purchase:
1” to 1 ½” 3 & Sheet Ring Binder Protectors Please remove all store labels from binder!!

4 Outside Cover Your COVER is your HOOK! Make yours stand out!
Make the judges WANT MORE!

5 Letter to Judges Put in pocket of the front cover
Be sure to sign it!!!

6 Title Page must include graphic different from cover and …
Research topic Product topic Your name Teacher’s name Block Date of Presentation

7 Samples of Cover & Title Page

8 Samples of Cover & Title Page

9 Table of Content Page Numbers with corresponding page numbers throughout Portfolio If the page has words on it, then it should be numbered. all documents must be listed and placed in the same order shown on this checklist

10 USE the checklist to make your table of contents and don’t leave anything out!

11 What does a Table of Contents look like?!?

12 Student Sample of Table of Content & Page numbering
Notice page numbering on the bottom corner of page

13 All forms that have been completed/approved/graded regarding Senior Project are part of your Portfolio. Put them in page protector sleeve until you are ready to assemble actual portfolio Create artistic dividers that pertain to YOUR topic. Each should be unique. Don’t use the same clipart/photo on each divider

14 Do you remember any of these forms?

15 Divider Samples Each divider has a different image but topic of Dog Training is reminded throughout

16 Divider Samples Each divider has a different image but topic of Clay Pottery is reminded throughout

17 Mentor Hours SHOULD NOT BE LEFT BLANK!!!!
Document hours and describe what was discussed/completed during each meeting signed by your mentor.  SHOULD NOT BE LEFT BLANK!!!!

18 Mentor Hours Form Not Completed
Incorrect – No Description Incorrect – No Signature When mentor hours are calculated, these would NOT count since they are not completed correctly

19 Mentor Hours Form Correctly Completed
You should have AT LEAST 12 hours logged with your mentor

20 Don’t forget the picture!
You must include a picture of you and your mentor together. Don’t forget the picture! Who is Who in the picture?

21 Description & Evaluation
Write a summary paragraph about your product or service that you COMPLETED Include an artifact that supports the completion of the product. Sample on right has no completed product shown in picture, so it is NOT correct.

22 Interview of Mentor You need to ask your mentor at least 5 questions about themselves &/or their career. Topics can include education, job experience, pros & Cons of the job, etc. Be creative when coming up with questions.

23 Self-Evaluation Complete using full sentences and correct grammar

24 3 ADDITIONAL ITEMS You are required to have 3 DIFFERENT items, and you will not receive credit for 5 of the same! SHOW off what you did! They must FIT inside your portfolio! Tell us your Senior Project journey with artifacts! Give a brief description of each artifact! (consider doing this on the introduction/divider page that introduces the artifact. This does not mean do all on the same page) *These items MUST be relevant to your journey to receive credit.

25 Artifact Samples with Descriptions

26 What will you be graded on. 1. content/completeness 2. appearance 3
What will you be graded on? 1. content/completeness 2. appearance 3. organization

27 Your Checklist is also the Senior Project Portfolio Rubric
(Form in your hands)

28 Hand into your English Teacher
Portfolio Due Date? Nov. 2nd Hand into your English Teacher ON TIME!!

29 LATE Portfolio ?!? See consequences found on the 3rd page of the portfolio rubric All Late Portfolios must be turned into Ms. Winston in Room 2015

30 Make it look like you really care!
Judges see these before they see or hear you! What do you want your first impression to be?

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