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Miscellaneous Fees and Course Fees

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1 Miscellaneous Fees and Course Fees

2 Course Fees Topics of Discussion
Delegation of Authority Miscellaneous & Course Fee Advisory Committee Course Fees Submittal and Review Process

3 Fee Approvals Delegation of Authority DA 2559 gives the Chancellor authority to set fee levels for: Course Materials Fees Miscellaneous User Fees Administrative Service Charges/Penalties Departments may not assess and collect course fees or miscellaneous fees that have not been approved by the Chancellor May be required to refund any fees collected without appropriate authorization.

4 Miscellaneous and Course Fee Advisory Committee (MCMFAC)
Membership includes representatives from: Academic Divisions Academic Senate Committee on Planning and Budget Planning and Budget Office Registrar’s Office Student Fee Advisory Committee Student Success Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education Committee Role: Establish procedures Review fee proposals for compliance with University policy Recommend fee approvals/continuance to Chancellor

5 Course Fees Definition: Materials, supplies, tools, or equipment which are consumed, retained or used by the student, or other materials or services necessary to provide a special supplemental educational experience of direct benefit to the student.

6 Course Fee May Include:
Materials and Supplies may include, but are not limited to, such items as chemicals, solutions, gloves, filters, biological specimens, artists' media, glassware, photographic chemicals, and other one-time use items. These also may include the reproduction costs for supplemental non-copyrighted materials such as laboratory manuals and noncommercial computer software, and costs associated with providing live models for art classes. Tools and equipment includes scientific or medical tools, musical instruments, video and audio equipment, and other equipment related to enrollment in a course, so long as the student is given ownership (if purchased) or extensive use (if rented) of the tools or equipment and, where feasible, has the option of securing equivalent tools or equipment elsewhere. These may include the costs associated with the use of University-owned tools and equipment for out-of-class learning activities or extracurricular use, or the purchase of computer software if the student retains ownership of the software.

7 Course Fee May Include (Continued):
Materials and services for special supplemental educational experiences are materials and services that offer students a special educational opportunity, such as travel, lodging and food costs for archeological digs; or the cost of film rentals.

8 Course Fees May NOT Include:
Course Fees may not be charged to cover any costs relating to the provision of facilities or services required for the general operation of the institution. Salaries/benefits of University employees (exception individual music instruction) Maintenance, depreciation, replacement of instructional equipment located or utilized in classrooms and laboratories primarily during scheduled periods of instruction. Reproduction of copyrighted materials for course readers or audio or video collections Course syllabi Software license costs

9 Course Fees May NOT Include (Continued):
Course Fees may not be charged to cover any costs relating to the provision of facilities or services required for the general operation of the institution. Divisional computer upgrades Computer software or licenses that enhance divisional property Equipment used to enhance the division Honoraria, including the cost for guest lecturers as part of a course Expenses that support faculty or staff when a course is offered off-campus, Example: airfare, other transportation, or food and lodging

10 Course Materials Fee Request Allowable / Non-Allowable Discussion
A Division would like to assess a course fee to cover the following: Supplies: Gloves, chemicals for experiments, Post-It Notes, photocopies of copyrighted materials and highlighters. Electronic components and /or tools to be consumed and/or retained by the student. Depreciation and maintenance of specialized laboratory equipment Two trips to Silicon Valley (Van rental, gas, salary of department staff accompanying students) Honoraria to lecture as part of the course Course syllabi Software to be retained by the student Specialized equipment to be used by the Division beyond the confines of the course

11 Course Materials Fee Request Allowable / Non-Allowable Discussion
A Division would like to assess a course fee to cover the following: Supplies: Gloves, chemicals for experiments, Post-It Notes, photocopies of copyrighted materials and highlighters. Electronic components and /or tools to be consumed and/or retained by the student. Depreciation and maintenance of specialized laboratory equipment Two trips to Silicon Valley (Van rental, gas, salary of department staff accompanying students) Honoraria to lecture as part of the course Course syllabi Software to be retained by the student Specialized equipment to be used by the Division beyond the confines of the course

12 Requirements For Course Fees
Course Fees are mandatory and shall be assessed only to those students enrolled in the applicable course. Course Fees may only be collected through the campus centralized billing or student registration/accounting system. Course Fees may not exceed the actual cost per student of the materials provided for the course. Course Fees should be reviewed annually by the dept./division regardless if any changes are being requested. Fee waivers may be granted as an exception. Each division must specify waiver process in proposal. Revenue and expenses tracked at the course level. Encourage to add extra details on separate sheet if will help tell the financial story.

13 Requirements For Course Fees (Continued)
Course Fee revenue and associated expenditures must be separately recorded and accounted for in a unique FOAPAL. Year-end surplus balances must be retained in designated FOAPAL to be used in the subsequent year towards the same class. Year-end deficit balances must be absorbed by the division or department. Proposals submitted not using the updated forms will be returned to the unit for resubmission.

14 Requirements For Course Fees (Continued)
NEW requirement for approved course fees All Fees will be reassessed every 3 years and will expire at the end of the summer quarter following their reassessment. October 1, 2019 Arts Division to submit complete packets (Attachment 1, 2 & 3) for all of their course fees. Approved fees will expire at the end of summer term Subsequent reassessments will take place in October 2022, 2025, etc. October 1, 2020 All other units with course fees to submit complete packets (Attachment 1, 2 & 3) for all of their course fees. Approved fees will expire at the end of summer term Subsequent reassessments will take place in October 2023, 2026, etc. This reassessment IS NOT for new fees or to change existing fees and does not replace the annual approval of new fees or changes to existing fees. If changes are recommended during the October review, the unit will need to submit a proposal during the annual Course Fee review process in February. Current number of fees: 312 Approved course fees Arts 185 PBSci BSOE Social Sciences 15 Colleges Go to new section on website

15 What Constitutes A Reasonable Fee
Considerations: Existing Course Fees Cost Per Student Relationship between the fee and its purpose Increases are gradual and moderate Adequate notice of fees to students Availability of need-based waivers

16 Review/Approval/Implementation Process
Course Fee proposal submitted by division to MCFAC (February 3, 2020). Dean’s approval required. MCFAC reviews proposals February/March 2020 Recommendation forwarded to the Chancellor for approval March/April 2020 Divisions and Registrar’s Office notified of approved Course Material Fees – April 2020 for Implementation Fall 2020 List of approved Course Fees published on Miscellaneous Fees and CourseFees website Divisions/Departments verify approved course fee list Division may appeal decision with Chancellor if fee is not approved Department should contact Student Billing Services for procedures related to billing adjustments and collections To establish a unique course fee FOAPAL, contact Rob Jarvis in Accounting (x9-5294) for student fee fund number and Miguel Jimenez in P&B (x9-5500) for organization code

17 Course Fee Forms and Reporting Requirements
Units are required to use the following templates: Attachment 1 – Course Materials Fee Request Required for a new course materials fee or an adjustment to an existing fee Examples of answers to Question 6: What is the enhance supplemental academic benefit to the student paying for the fees: Bring up forms on screen MENTION: Stronger enforcement of policy such as monitoring Deficit balances. Supply examples to question #6. Expiration date on Course Fees. Possible 3-year cycle. Making fees cyclical i.e. Group Divisions/Units depending on number of course fees. Example: PBSci & Soc Sci expire in 2019, Arts expire in 2020; ENG, OPERS, Humanities, Cowell & Crown expire in 2021. This would allow for a more thorough review of the course fees

18 Course Fee Forms and Reporting Requirements
Attachment 2 – Course Materials Fee Budget Summary Required for a new course materials fee or an adjustment to an existing fee. The financial information on this attachment should match Banner or FMW. Attachment 3 – Course Materials Fee Year-End Report Required for ALL approved course material fees regardless if any changes are being made to the fee. One department per form NOT multiple departments.

19 Miscellaneous Fees Topics of Discussion
Delegation of Authority Miscellaneous & Course Fee Advisory Committee Submittal and Review Process: Miscellaneous Fees

20 Fee Approvals Delegation of Authority DA 2559 gives the Chancellor authority to set fee levels for: Course Materials Fees Miscellaneous User Fees Administrative Service Charges/Penalties Departments may not assess and collect course fees or miscellaneous fees that have not been approved by the Chancellor May be required to refund any fees collected without appropriate authorization.

21 Miscellaneous and Course Fee Advisory Committee (MCMFAC)
Membership includes representatives from: Academic Divisions Academic Senate Committee on Planning and Budget Campus Life Planning and Budget Office Registrar’s Office Student Fee Advisory Committee Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education Committee Role: Establish procedures Review fee proposals for compliance with University policy Recommend fee approvals to Chancellor

22 Miscellaneous Fees Definition: Administrative service charges, deposits, and fines that are charged to individual users to cover the costs of breakage charges, replacement fees (lost equipment), health center fees, late filing of study list fees, library fees, improper check-out fines, physical education equipment fees, access fees, rental of facilities fees, transcript fees, etc. Reiterate: Cover the costs. Misc. Fees don’t have a goal of generating revenue outside of supporting the activity for which the revenue was collected.

23 Considerations for Miscellaneous Fees
Existing Fees Cost Per Customer Relationship between the fee and its purpose Increases are gradual and moderate Adequate notice of fees to customers Services are necessary and not funded by any other source Justification is to defray the cost of the service or prohibit abuse Exception: room rentals to off-campus users Quality of the service is adversely impacted by increased enrollment Excess External Revenue: External Net Revenue ( once all expenses accounted for) Our mission is to serve the campus community. It is not to go ahead and compete with local businesses. If during the course of providing a serve we attract some off-campus revenue/opportunity, that is OK but we have to cover all costs associate with delivering the activity. Can’t use surplus from one misc. fee to cover the deficit in another misc. fee.

24 Miscellaneous Fees May Include:
Salaries & benefits for providing the service Supplies/services related to service Leased equipment Equipment depreciation Administrative costs Repairs and maintenance of equipment

25 Miscellaneous Fees Are NOT fees that are mandatory for taking a class
Are NOT fees that are voted for by student referendum Are NOT Course Fees which are charged to students to recover the costs of materials, supplies, equipment and support services not covered by the normal instructional budget

26 Miscellaneous Fees charged to Federal Contracts and Grants may not include:
Purchase cost of inventorial equipment Housing/personal expense Interest or fund raising expense Memberships in civic or social orgs Contingency reserves Alumni activities Entertainment Donations, contributions Advertising, publications Legal costs

27 Requirements For Miscellaneous Fees
Fee revenues retained in designated FOAPAL Fee revenues applied only to costs associated with fee Fee can’t be a range of fees example: $10 to $25 Depreciation required, if need to replace capital equipment in future Year-end balances must be retained in FOAPAL (fees adjusted to compensate for surplus/deficits) Proposals submitted not using the updated forms will be returned to the unit for resubmission Explain that fee can be a formula: Actual Cost Cost + 10% 100% cost < 1year 50% cost 1-3 years 25% cost > 3 years

28 Review/Approval/Implementation Process
Miscellaneous fee proposal submitted by division /unit to MCFAC (March 2, 2020). Principal Officer’s approval required. MCFAC reviews proposals March/April 2020 Recommendation forwarded to Labor Relations and to the Chancellor for approval March/April 2020 Divisions/Units notified of approved Miscellaneous Fees – May, 2020 for implementation July 1, 2020 List of approved Miscellaneous Fees published on Miscellaneous fees and Course fees website Divisions/units verify approved miscellaneous fee list Division /unit may appeal decision with Chancellor if fee is not approved Division/unit communicates to constituencies new/increased fee Division /unit sets up new fund number by contacting Rob Jarvis in Accounting (x9-5294) Division/unit establishes permanent budget if volume is significant (For new organization code number contact Miguel Jimenez in P&B (x9-5500)

29 Miscellaneous Fee Forms and Reporting Requirements
Attachment 1 – Miscellaneous Fee Request Required for a new miscellaneous fee or an adjustment to an existing fee Attachment 2 – Miscellaneous Fee Financial Statement Attachment 3 – Miscellaneous Fee Comparison Attachment 4 – Salary and Benefit Schedule Required if claiming salary and benefit expenses on Attachment 2 Attachment 5 – Administrative Overhead Detial Required if claiming administrative overhead expenses on Attachment 2 Attachment 6 – Equipment Depreciation Schedule Required if depreciating equipment on Attachment 2 END SLIDE SHOW- GO TO WEBSITE Attachment 2: Actuals need to reconcile w. campus system of record (Banner or FMW) can use InfoView to run reports. Expenses are base on actual cost of goods/services provided. Attachment 3: Volume must be in unit of measure of approved fee Attachment 5: Makes it easier to build the total cost of providing the service into the rate. Attachment 6: $5,000 per item. If purchased with can’t be depreciated.Item must be intergral to the activity.

30 Miscellaneous Fee Forms and Reporting Requirements
Attachment 7 – Working Capital Reserve Required for setting up a working capital reserve Attachment 8 – Reserve Balance Reporting Required for reporting on any reserves associated with the misc. fee Attachment 9 – Miscellaneous Fee Year-End Report Mandatory starting with the review in March 2020

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