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Prof. Dr. Stefan Gradmann (KU Leuven)

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1 Prof. Dr. Stefan Gradmann (KU Leuven)
Humanities, Libraries and Computer Science : How to Manage the Synergies and Antagonisms Prof. Dr. Stefan Gradmann (KU Leuven) Culture & Technology, Leipzig, 26/07/2013

2 Overview Antagonisms Synergies Management (?)
Antagonisms Synergies Management (?) … and a few words on strategy! Humanities, Libraries and Computer Science: Synergies and Antagonisms Stefan Gradmann, Culture & Technology, Leipzig, 26/07/2013

3 (Past) Antagonisms Libraries are focused on information containers …
(Past) Antagonisms Libraries are focused on information containers … … and disregard content as well as processing methods Humanities are focused on content … … and disregard containers as well as processing methods Computer Scientists are focused on digital processing methods … … and disregard containers and content Humanities, Libraries and Computer Science: Synergies and Antagonisms Stefan Gradmann, Culture & Technology, Leipzig, 26/07/2013

4 Past Antagonisms Content Interpretation Digital Processing Media
Past Antagonisms Content Interpretation Digital Processing Media Containers Humanities, Libraries and Computer Science: Synergies and Antagonisms Stefan Gradmann, Culture & Technology, Leipzig, 26/07/2013

5 Antagonisms/Synergies
Antagonisms/Synergies Content Interpretation Digital Processing “Containers” Humanities, Libraries and Computer Science: Synergies and Antagonisms Stefan Gradmann, Culture & Technology, Leipzig, 26/07/2013

6 Synergies Libraries could reposition themselves as experts in a new auxiliary science: linked data & 'semantic' processing and contextualisation Computer Science might be enabled to step beyond their current semiological innocence Humanists might develop some terminological discipline in formalizing low levels of discoursive interaction and argument Humanities, Libraries and Computer Science: Synergies and Antagonisms Stefan Gradmann, Culture & Technology, Leipzig, 26/07/2013

7 Management (?) Declare the antagonisms to be complementarities.
Management (?) Declare the antagonisms to be complementarities. Does that work? Are we cooperating? Are we competing?? Encourage darwinistic behaviour Who will remain in place in the end? Humanities, Libraries and Computer Science: Synergies and Antagonisms Stefan Gradmann, Culture & Technology, Leipzig, 26/07/2013

8 Libraries … once upon a time
Librarians: Zenodotus Callimachus Erathosthenes Scholars and / or Poets Producing πίνακες Humanities, Libraries and Computer Science: Synergies and Antagonisms Stefan Gradmann, Culture & Technology, Leipzig, 26/07/2013

9 Libraries … today Geoffrey Boulton (geologist) in this year’s LIBER-Conference: "Libraries do the wrong things, employ the wrong people" “I do not use libraries anymore” "The library shouldn't be an entity anymore, it should be a function" “Customer's needs: many of these are addressed by Google” => Libraries have made a dangerous choice in reducing their identity to service provision Service providers can quickly be substituted Provided their services are generic and a stronger contender enters the stage Or simply once these services become obsolete Position the library on a par with DH research! Otherwise the CS guys will take it all! Humanities, Libraries and Computer Science: Synergies and Antagonisms Stefan Gradmann, Culture & Technology, Leipzig, 26/07/2013

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